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RESOLUTION NO. 67-25 <br />AREAS, the Board of Cou:i:ty Coissioners of Indian River <br />County, Florida, has received a'requested report, dated April 12, <br />1967, from the Florida State Board of Conservation, in which it is <br />stated in the concluding paragraph, that °mounting research indicates <br />that our estuaries are actually and potentially too valuable to be <br />used as borrow areas and dumping grounds for the undesirable by- <br />products of urbanization, agriculture and industry", and <br />WHEREAS, the above conclusio►, is supported by .additional tech- <br />nical advice and expressions of public interest received at this meeting <br />from local conservation groups and conservation experienced individuals, <br />with respect to the dam ging effect of dredging and dredge filling <br />in the waters •,f the public estuaries of <br />emphasis on the east shore <br />Sebastian Inlet; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Oat <br />of the Indian <br />this county and with special <br />River southward from <br />the <br />the above report and the <br />representations presented, together with evidence previously collected, <br />is now sufficient evidence to warrant decision at this time, that <br />any further dredging in public estuarine waters beyond mean high water <br />or established bulkhead lines, except for navigational channels, <br />.bottorehabilitation or other public projects would be againstthe <br />public interest; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that non-public fills in the Indian River <br />and Sebastian River should. be permitted only in those areas protected <br />fro open water by,seawalls or adequate retaining dams to prevent <br />backwash into the river and that only aterials from. navigation <br />channels or from the ocean with discharge to the ocean or fromtdpland <br />sources should be used,; :and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Engineer of the Corps <br />of Engineers, Jacksonville, Florida be advised that these resolutionss <br />apply as reco endations for their attention with respect to out- <br />standing and pending dredge and fill permits for the east shore of <br />the Indian River along A1A from the area of the Pelican Island. National <br />Refuge to Chobia Dock and Coconut Point; and <br />APR 1$1967 <br />gig apAtt334 <br />