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Camp Dresser and McKee Inc.
Work Order No. 8 North and South County Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment
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Services for Phase V will be negotiated under a separate work order upon completion of Phases <br /> I through IV. The County may determine that it is necessary to begin siting and/or land <br /> acquisition for the new WTP concurrently with the permitting efforts outlined in Phase IV. <br /> SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> CDM will perform the following task services for Phase II. <br /> TASK 1. 0 KICKOFF MEETING <br /> CDM will organize and participate in a kickoff meeting with County staff and SJRWMD. The <br /> intent of the meeting will be to outline the steps necessary to work with SJRWMD to identify <br /> the most favorable surface water supply source, calculate the available water in the selected <br /> storage area, outline the permitting process for a CUP withdrawal from the storage area, and <br /> establish a preliminary schedule for the permitting process. <br /> TASK 2.0 COLLABORATION WITH REGULATORY AGENCIES AND WATER <br /> CONTROL DISTRICTS <br /> There are a number of uncertainties associated with the various surface water sources within <br /> the County. Specifically, the quantity of water available from each storage area and the extent <br /> of the modeling required of the applicant for a surface water CUP from the Upper Basin Project <br /> are unknown. Therefore, CDM, County staff and SJRWMD will have to work closely together <br /> throughout the permitting process. CDM anticipates that identification of the specific surface <br /> water source (Phase II only) will require approximately 12 to 18 months of ongoing discussions <br /> with SJRWMD prior to beginning the CUP process (Phase IV). In addition, CDM will enlist the <br /> services of a subconsultant (Henry Dean and Associates, Inc.) to assist with this effort. Mr. <br /> Henry Dean has formerly served as Executive Director of both SJRWMD and the SFWMD and <br /> was an integral part of the alternative water supply process during Phase I. <br /> The activities to be performed during the 12 to 18-month period described above are detailed <br /> below. <br /> Subtask 2. 1 Data Collection <br /> The process of evaluating the sufficiency of surface water quantities in the various surface water <br /> storage areas will require a great deal of information. CDM will work directly with SJRWMD to <br /> gather the necessary information on the design parameters of each surface water storage area, <br /> water quality data, geographical survey information, etc. CDM will also work with the various <br /> local water control districts to gather similar data for the drainage canal systems that could <br /> potentially supply surface water to a new surface water treatment plant. This task will involve <br /> preparation of data request letters to be sent to SJRWMD and each of the pertinent water control <br /> districts <br /> Subtask 2.2 Meetings with Staff, Regulatory Agencies and Water Control Districts <br /> CDM anticipates that a series of meetings will be required over the 12 to 18-month period with <br /> both SJRWMD and the individual water control districts to aid in data collection, planning for <br /> the permitting process and to foster open lines of communication throughout the project. <br /> Under this subtask, CDM has budgeted for up to 6 meetings with SJRWMD. CDM will also <br /> coordinate and participate in up to 4 additional meetings with the various water control <br /> districts, if needed. <br /> A-3 jb1345 W0_Scope.Eoc <br />
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