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Ms . Polly Kratman <br /> 17 January 2007 <br /> Page 10 <br /> The GCCS components for the future waste fill areas will be designed such that it connects to the <br /> existing GCCS components wherever possible. Low points in the header system will be located <br /> near leachate sump locations, as much as possible, in order to gravity-drain condensate to the <br /> leachate sumps for removal using the leachate collection system pumps and force mains. <br /> Geosyntec will develop the GCCS Design Plan in order to meet the requirements of Subpart <br /> WWW as specified in 40 CFR Part 60. 759 . <br /> Geosyntec will prepare a report that will include, but not be limited to, the following <br /> components : <br /> • description of site characteristics ; <br /> • engineering calculations related to the projected gas generation rates, gas well spacing, <br /> header and later pipe sizing, condensate removal equipment, etc. ; <br /> • discussion of monitoring and recordkeeping requirements ; and <br /> • a surface emissions monitoring plan. <br /> Geosyntec will submit four copies of the GCCS Design Plan to FDEP Air Resources <br /> Management and Solid Waste Group and will address any request for any additional information <br /> they may require. It should be noted that, based on recent NMOC calculations, the IRC Class I <br /> landfill is not likely to be subjected to the NSPS compliance requirements that includes <br /> submission of a GCCS Design Plan. However, it will be beneficial for SWDD to keep FDEP <br /> informed of any changes to GCCS at the IRCL facility. <br /> Phase 2. GCCS Phasing Plan <br /> Once the GCCS Design Plan is complete, Geosyntec will develop phasing plans, each covering <br /> an operating period of one year, for a total of five years. Geosyntec will meet with SWDD to <br /> understand the planned sequence of filling and cell construction over the next five years . Using <br /> available waste stream information, Geosyntec will project the waste surface at the end of each <br /> year. This projected waste surface will be used to develop the phasing plan for each year. <br /> Geosyntec recognizes that interim design conditions are different from the final design conditions <br /> used to develop the GCCS Design Plan. Therefore, the phasing plans will include the <br /> components of the final design that will need to be installed during the year represented by the <br /> phase. Recognizing that differing conditions include gas generation rate, waste depth, allowable <br /> vacuum, etc. will exist during the period covered by the phasing plan, Geosyntec will review the <br /> draft phasing plans with SWDD to identify features such as temporary wells with remote <br /> XL06230/01 - 17-2007 JL70002.doc <br /> Cr ;; 117Gt11- � I SCiUIIUSLS I ililio atur,, <br />