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Himanshu Mehta, P .E . <br /> 7 September 2007 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Any investigation derived waste (IDW), consisting of soil auger returns and development water, <br /> will be placed in 55 -gallon drums , labeled, and placed at the Gifford Road Landfill for disposal <br /> by IRC SWDD . <br /> Phase 3 — EOS® Injection <br /> EOS"' has been selected as the optimal electron donor for this site. Based upon calculations <br /> presented in the RAP Modification, EOS* will be injected by Geosyntec personnel as a dilute <br /> solution directly into the injection wells and will remain active in the subsurface for a period of <br /> up to five years. The EOS® dosage will consist of the injection of twenty-seven (27) 55 -gallon <br /> drums of EOSO solution at transect one, twenty-two (22) 55 -gallon drums of EOSt solution at <br /> transect two, and thirty ( 30) drums of EOSk solution at transect three. The EOS'0 solution will <br /> be diluted by a factor of ten with site groundwater, with the injection of approximately 520 to <br /> 670 gallons of solution to each well . <br /> The electron donor solution will be delivered to each injection location via a trailer-mounted <br /> injection system which includes a mixing tank and centrifugal pump connected to a manifold that <br /> includes individual flow meters, pressure gages, and ball valves. During the performance of the <br /> injection work at each location, information regarding the injection start time, finish time, <br /> volume injected, and injection pressure will be recorded by Geosyntec personnel . <br /> BUDGET ESTIMATE <br /> A budget estimate for the scope of work outlined above is $205 , 185 and a budget summary is <br /> included as Attachment 2. Geosyntec will not exceed the budget estimate without prior approval <br /> and written authorization from IRC SWDD. <br /> SCHEDULE <br /> Upon receipt of approval of the RAP Modification from FDEP , Geosyntec can be ready to <br /> initiate the field activities described herein within approximately four weeks, depending on <br /> subcontractor availability. We anticipate that the field activities will tentatively be conducted in <br /> October and/or November 2007 . A description of the baseline groundwater sampling, well <br /> installation, and dosing activities will be included in future semi -annual report(s) . <br /> XR07 f 92/CCR07069DOC <br /> engineers I scientists ! innommts <br />