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WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1967 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, met in regular session at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, <br />Florida, on Wednesday, July 12, 1967, at 8:30 o'clock A. M. Present <br />were Robert W. Graves, Chairman; D. B. McCullers, Jr., Vice -Chairman; <br />Donald Macdonald, Richard Bogosian and Jack Dritenbas, Also present <br />.were Jack G. Jennings,County Administrator; Sherman N. Smith, Jr., <br />County Attorney; and Alfred H. Webber and Ruth Elliott, Deputy Clerks. <br />Also present were Homer C. Fletcher, Tax Assessor and Holly Johnson, <br />Official Court Reporter. <br />The Chairman called the meeting tO order and asked if there <br />were any corrections or additions to the minutes of June 7, June 21, <br />and June 30, 1967, There were none, and on Motion by Commissioner._..----- <br />Dritenbas, seconded by Commissioner McCullers, and unanimously carried, <br />the minutes were approved as written. <br />The Board then re -convened as a Board of Equalization, as provided <br />by law. <br />The Chairman asked if there were any present who wished to be <br />heard. There were none, and on Motion by Commissioner Macdonald, <br />seconded by Commissioner McCullers, the following Resolution was <br />unanimously adopted: <br />,µ Y JUL 121967 <br />_.Ai <br />• <br />$ Yhrf 9L& <br />