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Indian River County Work Order Number 2 <br /> Beach Preservation Plan Scope of Work <br /> Task 3 - FUNDING OPTIONS <br /> Task 3a - Public Access Inventory: Based upon documentation available from COUNTY and FDEP <br /> documents, the COUNTY will prepare a summary inventory of existing beach accesses and associated <br /> public facilities (parking, restrooms, etc.) in order to evaluate the degree of public access within each <br /> sector. 'Che COUNTY will prepare tabular summaries (in the form of EXCEL files) and "marked-up" <br /> aerials (in the form of GIS exhibits) to illustrate the length of accessible shoreline and the associated State <br /> cost-share percentages that can be expected under existing State Erosion Control Program policies. The <br /> COUNTY will identify potential beach access points for improvement and/or acquisition to increase the <br /> amount of State funds the COUNTY would be eligible to receive. COASTAL TECII will review the <br /> tabular summaries and aerials for compliance with FDEP rules. COASTAL TECH will confer with County <br /> staff regarding potential beach access points. <br /> Task 3b - Potential Funding Sources : Based on the conceptual designs developed under Task 2b and the <br /> degree of public access from Task 3a, COASTAL TECII will generically identify potential federal , state, <br /> regional and local revenue sources which might be used for future implementation of projects. The <br /> COUNTY will : <br /> 1 ) identify potential sources and funding levels, <br /> 2) assess the advantages and disadvantages of each funding source, and <br /> 3) chart the process and likely time frames for obtaining funds. <br /> Alternative sources may include Sebastian Inlet Tax District, general revenue, Municipal Services Benefit <br /> or Taxing Units (MSBU/M STU), special assessment, tourist tax, Florida Erosion Control Program, and the <br /> U. S . Army Corps of Engineer's Shore Protection Program. COASTAL TECII will confer with COUNTY <br /> staff to identify a long-term funding plan that appears to best address the COUNTY' s goals and objectives. <br /> Task 4 — PLAN FORMULATION <br /> Task 4a - DRAFT Plan : Based on the above tasks ( 1 -3), COASTAL TECH will prepare a DRAFT <br /> Beach Preservation Plan. The DRAFT plan will include the stand alone documents produced in Tasks 1 <br /> and 2 and the results of Task 3 . The Plan will be consistent with FDEP Erosion Control Program <br /> guidelines, and maximize State funding for erosion control projects. The Plan will include sections <br /> describing: <br /> 1 ) the locally preferred alternatives consistent with Florida statutes for addressing or abatement of <br /> beach erosion in each sector, <br /> 2) the necessary restoration and maintenance activities over the next ten years, <br /> 3) a 10-year funding strategy, including post storm recovery budget recommendations. <br /> COASTAL TECH will prepare a DRAFT Plan, which documents the results of the above tasks. <br /> COASTAL TECH will review the DRAFT Plan with the COUNTY, make appropriate revisions as may be <br /> identified by the COUNTY, and provide fifteen ( 15) copies of the DRAFT Plan for distribution by the <br /> COUNTY to the Beach Committee. COASTAL TECH will meet with the Beach Committee to present the <br /> results of the above tasks. COASTAL TECH will meet with the Board of County Commissioners to <br /> present the Plan. <br /> Task 4b - Final Plan : COASTAL 'TECH will incorporate revisions to the DRAFT Plan as may be <br /> identified and directed by the COUNTY. COASTAL TECH will assist the COUNTY staff in presenting <br /> the results of the study to the Board of County Commissioners. Following Board review and appropriate <br /> action , COASTAL TECH will provide ten (10) copies of the final Beach Preservation Plan , <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br /> June 9, 2006 <br />