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1 . Class I landfill needs including a phasing plan, capacities, and development plan schedule, <br /> sequential closure, leachate management, borrow area development. <br /> 2. C&D landfill needs including a phasing plan, capacities and development plan schedule, <br /> sequential closure. <br /> 3 . Solid waste processing and operational facilities including yard waste processing and <br /> mulching facilities, C&D processing, and HHW and recycling facilities. <br /> The Consultant will provide a summary and recommended plan of action along with a time-line <br /> for implementation by the SWDD for addressing the long-term needs and requirements of the <br /> Solid Waste Management system. The Consultant will provide a preliminary estimate of capital <br /> requirements for implementation of the updated solid waste management plan. The Report will <br /> include the updated landfill facility development plan at build-out showing future disposal <br /> areas with acreage, capacity and timeline and other regulatory and operational considerations. <br /> Task Deliverable: Five (5) copies of draft report for review and comments; twenty-five (25) <br /> copies of the Final Report to the County. <br /> ASSUMPTIONS <br /> 1 . No new site or field data is required to be obtained by the Consultant for this Report. <br /> 2. The revised site plan will be completed by other consultants and submitted to the NSI by <br /> May 29, 2006. The submittal of the final site plan will establish the Consultant' s project <br /> delivery schedule. <br /> 3 . Solid Waste projection data prepared previously as part of the 2005 draft report will be used. <br /> 4. The remaining fund for Work Order No. 1 is authorized by the SWDD to be used for this <br /> work order to complete the above tasks for this project. <br /> 5 . The Consultant will hold scheduled project progress meetings with the SWDD project team <br /> on a monthly or periodic basis . The Consultant will prepare meeting notes where <br /> appropriate and will distribute to attendees. <br /> COMPENSATION <br /> The compensation to the Consultant will be on a lump sum basis a fee of $22,840. 00 to be billed <br /> monthly on a percent complete basis as summarized below for each task and as detailed in <br /> Attachment No. 2. <br /> TASK ESTIMATED FEE <br /> Task 1- Kickoff Meeting and Project Schedule $ 1,346 <br /> Task 2- Update of Landfill Facility Build-out Development Plan $ 6,912 <br /> Task 3- Update of Capital Improvement Program $ 6,821 <br /> Task 4- Update of Solid Waste Master Plan Report $ 7,761 <br /> Total Lump Sum Compensation: $ 22,840.00 <br /> 4 <br />