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County, as well as data from the County' s model of the existing effluent transmission <br /> main loop. Definition of actual pipeline alignments and the siting of storage tanks, <br /> booster pumping stations and other system components, however, are beyond the scope <br /> of this task. These activities will be completed in subsequent phases of work that will <br /> include detailed modeling and design of required improvements . <br /> Task 6 — Implementation Plan <br /> The objective of this task is to provide additional planning for the implementation of the <br /> recommended reclaimed water distribution system in Indian River County, taking into <br /> account the various technical, institutional and financial considerations involved and the <br /> implementation strategy reached at the workshop meeting in Subtask 4 . 5 . <br /> Subtask 6. 1 — Document Implementation Strategy. Document the proposed strategy <br /> for satisfying the County' s goals objectives in implementing the recommended reclaimed <br /> water delivery system . The implementation strategy will consider the reclaimed water <br /> demand and effluent disposal needs of the County' s System, the County' s financial <br /> resources, and any institutional changes that would be required. <br /> Subtask 6.2 — Modifications to Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances and Development <br /> Regulations. Meet with County Planning Department staff and make recommendations <br /> for modifications to the County' s Comprehensive Plan; water, wastewater and reclaimed <br /> water ordinances ; and LDRs, consistent with the County ' s strategy for implementing the <br /> expanded reclaimed water distribution system. BC will prepare suggested text changes <br /> for consideration by County staff. Preparation of applications for Comprehensive Plan <br /> amendments and adoption proceedings for local ordinances and regulations will be the <br /> responsibility of County staff. <br /> Subtask 6.3 — Implementation Plan. Prepare a comprehensive plan documenting the <br /> specific work activities required to implement the various elements of the recommended <br /> reclaimed water transmission and distribution system. The implementation plan will <br /> include planning level schedules and cost estimates for capital improvements, a Plan of <br /> Finance including specific recommendations for follow-on evaluations of required user <br /> charges and fees, and the identification of any additional institutional and regulatory <br /> requirements that must be satisfied. <br /> Task 7 — Report Preparation <br /> Prepare a Reclaimed Water Implementation Plan Report documenting the work <br /> performed in Tasks 2 through 6 above and summarizing the County' s plan for developing <br /> an expanded reclaimed water transmission system. <br /> Subtask 7. 1 — Draft Report. Prepare five (5) copies of a Draft Reclaimed Water System <br /> Implementation Plan Report and submit to Indian River County for review. <br /> SA041077.003\IRC Reclaimed Water System Implementation Plan\Wttachment l .doc October 1 , 2005 <br />