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Fish Surveys <br /> Fish population evaluations will be based on visual censuses conducted separately on <br /> HRHC and LRLC mitigation reefs and high and low relief control reefs . The point-count <br /> method (Bohnsack and Bannerot 1986) will be used for fish assessment. This method <br /> has the advantage of gathering quantitative data in a relatively short time in a very <br /> repeatable pattern that is relatively insensitive to differences in habitat structure. Each <br /> census will have a duration of 5 minutes and a radius (the distance from the stationary <br /> observer) of 10 feet. Ten censuses will be collected on each of the four reef types . <br /> Data from these types of censuses is rarely normally distributed; therefore, the Wilcoxon <br /> Rank-Sum or a similar nonparametric test will be used for significance testing. The <br /> criteria for mitigation reef success will be a finding of no significant difference at p=0 .05 <br /> between reef type pairs (HRHC vs . high relief control and LRLC vs. low relief control). <br /> Juvenile sea turtle surveys <br /> At the request of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC), <br /> mitigation reef monitoring will include the following protocol to assess the sea turtles <br /> utilization, particularly juvenile green turtles, of the mitigation reefs. During each annual <br /> monitoring event, the vessel will anchor in the center of the mitigation reef array . For a <br /> period of 30 minutes, two observers, positioned in a tower or otherwise at the highest <br /> point on the vessel, shall search the 360 degree area around the boat and count all <br /> surfacings by sea turtles in the vicinity and identify the species and life history stage. <br /> These data shall be graphically compared with both previous results for the mitigation <br /> reef and with concurrent sampling at the mitigation reef monitoring control reef areas. <br /> Deliverables/Reporting Requirements <br /> All data deliverables shall be provided within 60 days after completion of the survey. <br /> Data deliverables include all digital video transects on compact disk, frame-grabbed <br /> images from all transects on compact disk, PointCount files and associated data (i.e. PTS <br /> files, MGR files, cd.dat files), Excel spreadsheets of Point Count data (raw data and <br /> summary files), and Excel spreadsheets of in-situ quadrat data. The monitoring reports, <br /> with appropriate graphics/tables, statistical analysis of the collected data and comparison <br /> of mitigation reef habitat to natural hardbottom, shall be provided within 90 days after <br /> completion of the survey. Reports shall be provided to FDEP, BBCS, in both hard copy <br /> and digital format. <br /> Notification Requirements: Adverse weather conditions and Contingency <br /> Monitoring Plan <br /> If adverse weather conditions are encountered which do not allow for field operations, the <br /> biological consultant shall maintain a log of all attempts to conduct the survey and <br /> weather/visibility conditions which prevented collection of the required data. If the <br /> biological monitoring team encounters poor visibility conditions that prevent collection <br /> 5 <br />