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AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION <br />For the purpose of charging fees, <br />1 ton of refrigeration will equal 12,000 <br />BTU's per hour or 1 H. P. total con- <br />nected load <br />The first 5 tons or fractional part. <br />The next 5 tons up to and including 10 <br />tons - per ton <br />Over 10 tons per additional ton <br />All major repairs or replacements, same <br />fees as above. <br />WINDOW UNITS OR WALL UNITS (Where no con- <br />struction work is involved in the building or <br />duct work attached) <br />For the first 5 units each <br />For the next 50 units - each <br />For the next 100 units - each <br />All others - each <br />$5.00 <br />1.00 <br />2.00 <br />3.00 <br />2.00 <br />1.50 <br />1.00 <br />WORK STARTED BEFORE A PERMIT IS ISSUED - THE <br />FEE SHALL BE DOUBLED. <br />(10) Licensing and Bonding of Plumbers. Section 109 is repealed. <br />(11) Allowed Uses. The following uses are expressly allowed: <br />(a) DWV copper under floor slab; <br />(b) One and one-half (1 1/2) inch trap for washer` <br />and drain; <br />(c) ABS or PVC plastic pipe for drain washer or vent <br />purposes. . <br />Section 3. APPEALS - DECISIONS OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS <br />AND APPEALS. Sections 112 and 113 of the Southern Standard Build- <br />ing Code, 1965 Edition, adopted by reference in Article.Il, Section 1, <br />of this resolution as part of the Building Code, are hereby adopted by <br />reference and made a part of the. Plumbing Code. <br />Section 4. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS. The <br />Board of Adjustments and Appeals appointed under the provisions of <br />the Building Code is hereby made the Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br />of the Plumbing Code. <br />35 <br />c rt' 2 11968 <br />BOOk 11 .PAGE l4l <br />