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Last modified
7/23/2015 8:53:25 AM
Creation date
6/8/2015 3:44:24 PM
Meeting Type
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A __'_ <br />W-Ij <br />respecting assistance for the Snell family. It was ordered that the matter be turned <br />over to the County Nurse for disposition and offer to effect their return to Ocala <br />their former home. <br />G. C. Bartlett and T. U. Radinsky appeared before the Board and offered to sell <br />to the County certain houses owned by them to be removed to the County Tool grounds. <br />a it was ordered that this matter be laid over until further in the day. <br />Walter Kitching appeared before the Board regarding grading road on Ditch 8 in <br />Section 18 Tp. 32 S.R.39 East. It was ordered that the County Engineer grade this <br />road which is designated as Road A-84, <br />Geo. T. Badger appeared before the Board regarding the strip of land from the <br />Sebastian Inlet south which is now in Brevard County, advising that Brevard County will <br />be willing for this County to take over this territory provided the county will <br />construct a road to the Sebastian Inlet. <br />J. D. Broston (colored) appeared before the Board requesting road be cleared and <br />graded to lgabasso Negro School. It was ordered that County =gineer do this work as <br />soon as convenient and funds available. <br />it was ordered that Road B-9 be graded as soon as convenient. <br />W. E. Evans. County Agent, made a report on the Mediterranean Fruit Fly situation <br />filed his monthly report. it was ordered that all bills submitted in connection x <br />therewith be approved and were ordered paid out of the Agricultural Fund. <br />Mr. Chas E. Berg appeared before the Board and urged the purchase by the County of <br />the Campbell Arcade Building for Court House and Jail at a price of V6590009'00v <br />submitting said offer in writing as follows: <br />Vero Beach, Florida. June 49 1929. <br />Mr. Albert 0. Helseth,Chairman, <br />Board of County Commissioners, Indian River County, <br />Vero Beach, Florida. <br />Dear Si rs - <br />Acting for the owners of the Building known as 13Campbell's Arcade"', <br />I am authorized to submit to your honorable body a proposition that you acquire this, <br />property to fill the immediate needs of the County for suitable Court House aecomodatio <br />such as this building will provide, and at the same time meet the present need of <br />economy and conservation so much desired by the tax Payers. <br />I have been able to obtain confirmation of, and now submit, the very <br />attractive figure of $65,000.00 as the price for this substantial building. The <br />Building is two story, 75' x 115' over all. The actual tenantable space on the ground <br />floor is 59777 square feedp and on the second floor 6,158 square feet. On the basis of <br />$1.25 per square foot per aurum, the ground floor will produce and income of X7,221.25 <br />The second floor at $1.00 per foot wauid be worth $7,811.00. Assa;ming that the revenue <br />value is as stated, t he annual saving to the County would be 015,032.25. In the short. <br />period of five years the total saving on this basis would be $75,161.25 or $10,161.25 ml <br />than the cost of the building. The building at the end of five years should be worth <br />3 at least what we are paying for it today, and it is reasonable to expect that it will <br />be worth more. Therefore, iratead of a saving of 075,161.25, we would actually have <br />a greater saving to the County. On this sar a basis, the saving over a period of ten <br />years would be over $1509000.00; and, this building, being as it is, so well adapted <br />to the needs of the County, should fill our requirements for some considerable time to <br />come. - <br />For your information the following comparie3n cffD floor space is made of <br />., <br />)re <br />1 <br />i <br />1 <br />
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