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(u ) The drawings prepared by the CONSULTANT will be of sufficient detail to permit the actual <br /> location of the proposed building improvements on the ground. <br /> (v) Any additional work required by regulatory agencies pursuant to regulations established after the <br /> date of this Agreement shall be an additional service, and the COUNTY shall compensate the <br /> CONSULTANT in accordance with SECTION VII Additional Work, of this Agreement and in an <br /> approved amendment to this Agreement. <br /> (w) The CONSULTANT agrees that all hiring must follow all applicable labor laws as follows : <br /> 1 . The CONSULTANT and his sub-consultants shall maintain such insurance as will protect it <br /> from claims by employees under the Worker's Compensation Act and from claims by <br /> employees for bodily injury or death which may arise from the performance of its services <br /> under this Agreement. <br /> 2 . The CONSULTANT and his sub-consultants will assure compliance with Title VI of the <br /> Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P . L . 88-352) as amended, (42 U . S . C . 2000d) and the requirements <br /> imposed by the regulations of the Department of Commerce ( 15 C .F .R. Part8) issued pursuant <br /> to that Title . In accordance therewith no person in the United States shall , on the grounds of <br /> race, be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which Indian River <br /> County receives state financial assistance . <br /> 3 . The work will be conducted in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, <br /> 42 U. S . C. 12101 et , seq . and the Regulations adopted pursuant to that act, to the extent required <br /> by the law . <br /> 4 . In accordance with Florida Statutes, the COUNTY encourages the CONSULTANT to the <br /> greatest extent possible, to give consideration to increasing the number of contractors/vendors <br /> that are minority businesses. <br /> (2) CONSITLTANTS SCOPE, OF WORK AND PRODUCT DELIVERABLES <br /> (a) PHASE -1 - __CONSULTANT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMING / SCHEMATIC <br /> DESIGN PHASE : <br /> 1 . The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with their design team and the COUNTY ' S Project Manager, <br /> collecting available data and documentation, including: <br /> (i) Zoning, utilities, floodplain, as-builts, adjacent site plans/ approvals . <br /> ( ii) Bldg type, special requirements, building codes, life safety issues . <br /> (iii) Owner needs / evaluation <br /> ( iv) Energy conservation / sustainability: evaluation of IRC objectives <br /> (v) Preliminary discussion with authorities responsible for adjacent sites that are being <br /> impacted by storm water design and shared access or parking. <br /> 2 . The CONSULTANT shall implement a space allocation and building design program . The program <br /> is designed to optimize space and efficiency and comfort for the user. The program committee will <br /> be chaired by the CONSULTANT, and will include representatives of INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br /> and key sub-contracted consultants . The program implementation will include researching the <br /> project type, establishing goals and objectives, gathering relevant information, identify strategies, <br /> determine quantitative requirements, and summarizing the program. <br /> Page 6 of 18 <br /> F:\Publk Works\ENG I NEEPoNG DIVISION PROJECTS\1135-5 County Park Intergeneratliona l Rec Facility\Admim\biddccur nts\Agraunt.nt with Borrelli and Partners, <br /> Inc03-20- 12.doc <br />