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a Florida Department of Environmental Protection ( FDEP) Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) <br /> Application <br /> a IRC Minor Site Plan Permit <br /> ■ FDEP Water Main Extension Permit <br /> ■ FDEP Solid Waste Notification <br /> ■ FDEP Application for Constructing a Domestic Wastewater System <br /> ® IRC Stormwater Management System Permit <br /> This Scope of Services assumes that only the permits identified in Subtasks 2 . 1 , 2 . 2 , 2 . 3 , 2 . 5, 2 . 61 2 . 71 <br /> 2 . 8, and 2 . 12 will require modification . If it is determined that additional permit modifications <br /> (permits other than those listed above) are required, an amendment to the Scope of Services will be <br /> required to include preparation of those permit modification applications . <br /> IRC SWDD will pay all permit modification application fees . More specifically, this task includes the <br /> following Subtasks : <br /> Subtask 2 . 1 Pre - application Meetings <br /> As part of this subtask, CDM will contact FDEP and Indian River Farms Water Control District <br /> (IRFWCD) to coordinate modification of the permits that have been issued and attend one pre - <br /> application meeting with the IRC Planning and Zoning Department staff. <br /> Subtask 2 . 2 Environmental Resource Permitting <br /> This subtask includes the stormwater modeling and permit application preparation needed to <br /> obtain an environmental resource permit. <br /> Subtask 2. 2. 1 Stormwater Modeling Existing and Proposed Systems <br /> In order to understand the existing system and quantify the current outflow to the regional <br /> drainage system an existing system stormwater model will be developed . Additionally, to ensure <br /> that the proposed drainage system results in acceptable impacts to the regional system a proposed <br /> stormwater model will be developed using the existing model as a base . The model will be used <br /> both in the design of the proposed stormwater management system, as well as support to obtain <br /> the ERP . <br /> It is assumed that all of the required data will be available either from IRC or IRFWCD . These data <br /> include, but are not limited to the following digital coverages : soils , land use, topography, as well as <br /> any current drainage infrastructure that impacts the site . <br /> Subtask 2. 2.2 Preparation of Environmental Resource Permit Application <br /> An ERP is required to permit the modifications required to this site . In addition to the plan set <br /> developed in Task 1 . 5, the ERP application requires information on the site, environmental <br /> considerations, including wetland delineations , plans, construction schedule and techniques , <br /> stormwater best management practices (BMPs) , drainage information, operations and <br /> maintenance, legal documentation, and water use . <br /> A- 5 j13215_Revised .doc <br />