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bidders on behalf of the County with the cost of production to be paid by the contractor upon <br /> receipt of the packages . <br /> Subtask 7. 4 Preparation of Probable Construction Cost <br /> No changes were made to this subtask . <br /> TASK 8. 0 BIDDING SERVICES <br /> CDM will now assist the County in obtaining two separate bids for the construction of the new <br /> production well and transmission piping, rather than for a single package . This task has been <br /> amended as follows : <br /> ® CDM will coordinate the advertisement of the bids, respond to communication from <br /> potential bidders, and issue addenda as needed . <br /> ® CDM will prepare for and attend a pre-bid meeting with potential bidders at the South <br /> County WTP for each of the two contracts . <br /> ® CDM will sell bid documents on behalf of the County, as needed, for both contracts . <br /> ® CDM will attend two bid openings, evaluate bids and recommend a bidder for Award of <br /> Contract to the County for each contractor . <br /> ® After issuance of Notice of Awards ( two ) by the County, CDM will assist the County in <br /> preparing the construction contracts ( two) , request and review information from the <br /> Contractors, and advise the County on finalizing the Contracts . <br /> ® CDM will prepare two Notices to Proceed and provide the documents to the County for <br /> issuance to the Contractors . <br /> TASK 9. 0 GENERAL SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION <br /> The original scope of services assumed that a single contractor would complete all work <br /> associated with the well and pipeline . By splitting the contract into two, CDM will maximize the <br /> potential to save costs by combining all construction meetings for attendance by both. <br /> contractors (rather than conducting separate meetings for each contract) . If timing of the <br /> contracts / construction does not accommodate this plan, CDM will immediately notify the <br /> County if additional efforts will be required . This amendment does not include any request for <br /> additional budget for construction services . Additional funds may be required if the two <br /> contracts do not ruin concurrently, if additional progress meetings and / or site visits are <br /> required to accommodate the 2 separate contractors, or if the contract duration exceeds 5 <br /> months . <br /> OTHER SERVICES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> This authorization does not include : <br /> a Modifications to the PBS&J groundwater model; <br /> ® Detailed Siting Analysis for Well No . 7 (will rely on current location of Well No . 7 in <br /> model / CUP unless otherwise indicated) ; <br /> ® Water quality sampling and testing. The Contractor will provide the water quality testing <br /> associated with the new well as part of the contract . The County will collect the required <br /> CM 5 j12756. doc <br />