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TASK 5 . 0 - QUARTERLY CONTAMINATION EVALUATION MONITORING <br /> CDM will collect the samples in accordance with the approved plans including coordination with <br /> IRC SWDD scheduling, water level measurements, data review and analysis, and reporting. <br /> CDM / ITS will perform the 2012 quarterly (January, April, July, and October) sampling of seven <br /> groundwater monitoring wells ( MW4S, MW- 2S, MW- 3S , MW43S, MW- C1 , MW- C2 and MW- 0 ) for <br /> analysis of iron, chlorides, TDS, sodium, ammonia, nickel, arsenic, silver, thallium, hardness, BODS , <br /> COD, total nitrogen , and total phosphate. CDM / ITS will collect water level data for the groundwater <br /> monitor wells and staff gauges immediately prior to the sampling event. CDM / ITS will also perform <br /> 2012 quarterly (January, April , July, and October) sampling of six surface water sites (C5 - SW1 , C5 - <br /> SW2 ) CS - SW3 , C5 - SW6, LC - SW4, and L & SW5 ) for analysis of iron, chlorides, TDS , sodium, ammonia, <br /> nickel, arsenic, silver, thallium , hardness, BODS , COD, total nitrogen, total phosphates, unionized <br /> ammonia, and chlorophyll A . It is estimated that each monitoring event will take one full day in the <br /> field to complete . In the event that FDEP requires re - sampling of groundwater monitoring wells or <br /> surface water sites, or if an algae bloom is observed and algal speciation sampling and analysis are <br /> required, the services performed will be invoiced under Task 4 of this Scope of Services . CDM / ITS <br /> will deliver the samples to the ENCO Orlando office for analysis . Laboratory analysis will be <br /> performed by others under contract with IRC . <br /> ENCO will perform the laboratory analysis under IRC SWDD ' s contract. CDM will assist IRC SWDD <br /> in coordinating the analytical testing activities with ENCO, notify FDEP prior to sampling as <br /> required and review and evaluate the analytical test results . The results of the contamination <br /> evaluation monitoring will be reported with the semi - annual water quality reports (Task 2 ) . CDM <br /> reserves the right to request additional compensation should any meetings be required . <br /> ASSUMPTIONS <br /> ■ This Scope of Services and cost proposal is based on solid waste operations Permit Nos . <br /> SC31 - 0128769 - 019 and SO31 - 0128769 - 020 and the groundwater monitor wells, leachate <br /> sampling sites, and surface water monitor sites that are installed as of the date of this work <br /> order. <br /> ■ CDM understands that additional new or replacement groundwater monitor wells will be <br /> installed in the future under Permit Nos . SC31 - 0128769 - 019 and 5031 - 0128769 - 020 . Sampling <br /> of proposed new or replacement groundwater monitor wells required by Permit Nos . SC31 - <br /> 0128769 - 019 and SO31 - 0128769 - 020 beyond the 41 currently installed are not included this <br /> Scope of Services . <br /> ■ Sampling of new leachate monitoring sites required by Permit Nos . SC31 - 0128769 - 019 and <br /> SO31 - 0128769 - 020, which are not currently constructed, are not included this Scope of <br /> Services . <br /> ■ Laboratory analysis is not included in this scope of services . <br /> ■ This Scope of Services and cost proposal is based on the Title V Permit No . 0610015 - 003 -AV, <br /> which is the current permit as of the date of this work order. <br /> ■ This Scope of Services does not include meetings with the Florida Department of <br /> Environmental Protection or the Indian River Farms Water Control District . <br /> A- 5 j 13410.docx <br />