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1 <br />1 <br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOMD by the Board of County Commissioners of Osceola Cou.n <br />Florida, <br />that the above <br />proposition be., <br />and the sme <br />is <br />hereby accepted, and that the. <br />Captain <br />of convicts of <br />Osceola County, <br />Flo3ida0 b.e, <br />and <br />he is hereby authorized shd <br />directed to send for and bring to Osceola County said prisoners, <br />State of Florida, <br />County of Osceola, <br />I, J. 1. Overstreet, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Osceola County, <br />Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct appy of the reEulu- <br />tion as passed by the Board of C ounty commissioners as the same appears of record on <br />Commissiomrs record Numb=ered 7, records of Osceola County. <br />WITNESS my hand and seal of off ice this the 18th day of Jum p AM 6 1929: <br />cot Xt.Seel. ) <br />J.I.Overstreet <br />Clerk Circuit Court <br />Osceola County, Florida. <br />J. He Leversedge representing Pauly Jail Building Company appeared before the <br />Board in response to a letter requesting the presence of a representative of the Compaby <br />and gent into the question of a Jail, and/or jail facilities. <br />After considerable discussion and consideration, and after viewing several build- <br />ings, it was deemed advisable and ordered that the Clerk advertise for bids on cages <br />of sufficient size to hold 20 prisoners and if necessary receive bids for the constru- <br />ction of a temporary building to house such cages. The following advertisements were <br />prepared and inserted in the news -paper as provided by law. <br />I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS <br />4j; Notice is, hereby given that sealed ,bids <br />:,will. be receivedby the Board of County <br />Cpmm"issionors of Indian River County, <br />Florida at. the Clerk's office up to 2 :00 <br />o'clock P. "M. on Tuesday, July 9th, <br />1929, for the furnishing and installation <br />of jail cellsr plumbing fixtures, and up- <br />purtenances,, Said equipment to be <br />erected in. ';a suitable building to be <br /> Indian River County. <br />Full information can be secured by <br />appliction to Clerk of Circuit Court. <br />Eiders submitting on this work will <br />furnish complete and detail 'plans and <br />specifications covering the propositions <br />upon whieh',�they bid, but said plans and <br />specifications. must' Conform to the plans <br />and description on ' file in the Clerk's <br />office. <br />Each bid"; must be accompanied by a f <br />certified check in the sum of $600.001 <br />as a guarantee that if awarded the con <br />tract the. bidder will enter, intoeland <br />Xuritish the . County with s ry <br />surety bond. , <br />Bids wills not be egns pied, from any <br />"person not legally engag In the manu- <br />facture and erection o.. th4's °.class ,of <br />work. <br />The Board reserves tlse• right to <br />jest any ana all bids. 1 <br />Dated this June 21st, 1929. <br />Miles Warren,' <br />Clerk Board County Commissioners. <br />j 6126r 912 <br />NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. <br />NOTICE is' hereby given that .the <br />Board of ty Commissioners of In- <br />dian River,: nty, Florida, will on Tues- <br />day, July 1929, at 2:00 o'clock P. <br />M. receive aled bids' for the erection <br />of a tempo ary jail building or struc- <br />ture to house the following amount of <br />jail cell work and equipment: <br />One cage 1¢ feet wide 21 feet long. <br />One cage 14 feet wide 14 feet long <br />One cage 6 feet 6 inches wide, 12 <br />feet long <br />This building shall be built as follows: <br />The walls• shall,be stud walls with ex- <br />panded 4.metal and� stueeo' fknish The <br />roof shall be first class'" como ition <br />shingles. The floor of the class". shall <br />be of concrete and provision shall be <br />made in the building for. a cook room <br />not less than 14 feet square. <br />The small cage, bila feet by 12 feet <br />shall be located in a room to itself in <br />this building. <br />The heighth of the building sj�all be <br />not less than nine feet from the top of <br />the floor. <br />The successful bidder must figure to <br />install and connect to available sewer- <br />age plumbing fixtures as follows: Four <br />water closets; four wash'basins;' and two <br />shower baths.. Also ijgure to wire the <br />building for not less than 12 drop lights. <br />The building must also be provided <br />with windows not less than 'three' feet <br />wide and five feet high • spaee of ap- <br />proximately five feet apart` - $ ".insure <br />good light and ventilationDobfs .to be <br />secured withgood locks OA-d,`akl work to <br />be done in a•y'horough and,,wekijianlike <br />manner. $id,ders -submfttknX 'a bid <br />should sup*it ch; of `their proposed <br />building. <br />The BoaiAf s the right to reject <br />any and all bi�da��� " <br />Dated this Ju" 21, 1929. <br />Mies' Warren, <br />Clerk Board County (jommissionersj; <br />G{--. 712 <br />The bond of Herbert D. Cockrell, as Deputy 'sheriff, in the sum of 01,000.00 with <br />American Surety Company, a corporation as surety was approved. <br />As provided by law the Board proceeded to designate the County Depositories for the <br />year beginning July 1, 1929, and ending June 30th 1930. Applications having been <br />received from the Farmers Bank of Vero Beach and the Indian River County Bank of <br />Sebastian, same were duly considered. <br />It was ordered that the following designations be made for the ensuing years <br />FAR15ERS BANK OF VERO BEACH <br />General Revenue Fund <br />1/2 of Road & Bridge Fund <br />Mothers Pension Fund <br />Interest & Sinking Fund <br />Special R & B. Dist #4, Interest & Sinking Fund <br />Vero Bridge District <br />Quay Bridge District <br />