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WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1968 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida met in regular session at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, <br />Florida on Wednesday, July 10, 8:30 o'clock A. M. Present <br />were Robert W. Graves, Chairman; D. B. McCullers, Vice Chairman; <br />Donald Macdonald; Richard P. Bogosian and Jack U. Dritenbas. Also <br />present were Jack G. Jennings, County Administrator; Sherman N. <br />Smith, Jr., County Attorney and Alfred H. Webber and Janet N. <br />Burriss, Deputy Clerks. <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked if there <br />were any correction or additions to the minutes of May 8, May 22, <br />June 5, June 19 and July 1. After mention being made of a minor <br />error in the minutes of June 19, which has been duly corrected, <br />on a Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Bogosian all the mintites for the above dates were unanimously. <br />approved. <br />On Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by <br />Commissioner Bogosian a fire truck offered by the Forest Service <br />for the.Fellsmere area was unanimously accepted. <br />In answer to letters of inquiry to the property owners of <br />the 6th Avenue area as requested of the Administrator in the Minutes <br />of June 19, 1968, Mr. Oscar Fultz and a group of property owners <br />of Sixth Avenue appeared before the Board. Mr. Fultz stated that <br />the Street was badly in need of repair and that he and some of the <br />other property owners would be willing to dedicate right-of-way <br />for the road and drainage. The Administrator reported that the <br />County now has a fifty foot right of way for the road, with sixty <br />feet in some areas and that sixty feet could be acquired in most <br />areas. He said that if the Board concurs, he will flag the actual <br />right-of-way, construct a road of the maximum available width and <br />give as much as possible for drainage purposes. A Motion was made <br />mmit 11 i'At[290 <br />st. ie 110 <br />y <br />