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• Shape file or Auto CAD file of the landward edge of hardbottom mapped in summer of 2014. <br />Schedule <br />The draft monitoring report will be completed within 60 days of receipt of the survey data and sand samples from <br />Morgan & Eklund or the landward edge of hardbottom data from CSA International, whichever is later. We <br />estimate that the county will review and provide comments on the document within 2 weeks. CB&I will revise <br />the report, incorporate the County's comments, and submit a fmal report to the County and FDEP within 2 weeks <br />of receipt of the County's comments. The goal is to submit the fmal report to the FDEP within 90 days of receipt <br />of the required data. Assuming that data is provided by August 31, we estimate submittal of a fmal report by <br />November 31, 2014. <br />Cost <br />The cost of the monitoring report, excluding the aerial collection is $31,287.00. A breakdown of the hours and <br />expenses to develop these costs is attached and follow the provisions of the Professional Coastal Engineering <br />Services Agreement, dated March 19, 2013, between Indian River County and CB&I. <br />Rectified Aerial Photographs <br />Aerial photographs are required per FDEP special permit condition 53 and 56(c) for the primary purpose of <br />mappmg and quantifying exposed nearshore hardbottom and natural/artificial reefs. CB&I will have aerials <br />collected that follow BBCS Monitoring Standards for Beach Erosion Control Projects, Section 02100 <br />Environmental Aerial Photography Acquisition. <br />Controlled, flight -dated, color vertical aerial photographs will be taken from Indian River County FDEP range <br />monuments R-15 through R-60 inclusive. Collection of the aerial photography will be timed so as to collect the <br />aerials concurrently with the post -construction surveys. CB&I will rely on Indian River County to notify us as to <br />when these surveys are bemg performed. <br />The flight will be conducted on an incoming tide and when there is sufficient visibility in coastal waters to capture <br />nearshore hardbottom. Fihn will be selected to provide the best possible images in the greatest possible water <br />depths. Photography will be obtained during morning hours with cloud cover at less than 10%, and in order to <br />minimize glint, the flight window shall occur when the sun angle is between 15 to 30 degrees to the horizon. If, <br />during the flight, weather conditions deteriorate to the point that the purposes of the flight can not be met, or the <br />five flight conditions are not satisfied, the flight will be aborted and flown at a later date when conditions are <br />satisfactory. <br />The photography will employ the use of a precision Zeiss RMK/A cartographic camera (or equal) calibrated by <br />the US Geological Survey. The camera will be equipped with a data block, which will record the lens number, <br />calibration, focal length of the lens, altitude, date, and time. The photographs will be color aerial photography and <br />georeferenced digital imagery with the following specifications: <br />1. A minimum 60% overlap with each adjacent photograph and a ratio of 50% land and 50% ocean (2000' <br />and 2000') on the horizontal. <br />