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CB&I will notify the County of any issues with the survey data and will participate in a conference call with the <br />County, Morgan & Eklund, and Land & Sea Concepts to discuss any issues. <br />CB&I will develop an engineering report that discusses the performance of the beach fill project. We will analyze <br />shoreline and volumetric changes throughout the project area, identifying erosion and accretion patterns. The <br />results will be analyzed for patterns, trends or changes between annual surveys as well as cumulatively since <br />construction. The project was constructed in three phases and the analysis will account for the phased <br />construction. Furthermore, the report will compare the project performance to the stated design. <br />Plots of the survey profiles, and graphical representations of volumetric and shoreline positions for the monitoring <br />area will be presented. Summary tables of the shoreline and volumetric changes will be presented, again looking <br />at individual and cumulative shoreline and volumetric changes. Volumetric changes will be calculated above <br />+6.0 feet NAVD MHW to +6.0 feet, NAVD, -5.0 feet, NAVD to MHW; and -12.0 feet to -5.0 feet, NAVD and <br />landward of the approximate edge of hardbottom. The volumetric analysis will be performed similar to the 2013 <br />report to avoid introducing error in the calculations due to the nearshore hardbottom <br />CB&I will collect aerials of the project area as discussed more fully later in this scope of work. The aerials will <br />be collected from R-15 through R-60. Plots of hardbottom change and shoreline position will be overlaid on the <br />aerials and included in the report appendix. <br />The FDEP approved physical monitoring plan requires that sand samples be collected during summer months <br />coincident with 24 -month post -construction monitoring event at four beach profile transects (R-22, R-30, R-41 <br />and R-52). However sand was only placed between R-20 and R-26 in Phase 2B. Therefore, only R-22 will be <br />sampled and analyzed. Five samples will be collected and analyzed along each transect (toe of dune, mid -berm <br />MHW, MLW, and -3 feet, NAVD) for a total of 5 samples analyzed. We understand that Morgan & Eklund will <br />collect these samples and ship them to us for analysis. CB&I has a certified laboratory required by FDEP <br />standards to analyze beach samples. We will follow the FDEP protocols for sieving the samples using 20 sieves <br />rangmg in size from -4.25 phi to +4 phi at 1/2 phi intervals. A cumulative frequency distribution and frequency <br />distribution histogram will be presented along with a sediment analysis summary sheet providing descriptive <br />statistics, compositional results, percent fines and Munsell Color. The grain sizes will be compared to previous <br />sediment samples to gauge any changes in grain size or color. <br />Deliverables <br />CB&I will submit a draft of the report of the County for review and comment. This will be submitted <br />electronically (PDF and MS Word formats). CB&I will incorporate comments from the County and revise the <br />report accordingly. CB&I will then submit an electronic copy to the FDEP. CB&I will submit one hard copy and <br />one electronic copy (PDF) to the County. <br />Required Data <br />To perform the physical monitoring evaluation, CB&I will need the following data: <br />• Survey data in x,y,z format collected in summer of 2014. <br />• Sand samples collected in summer of 2014. <br />