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a water pollution study at no cost to the County was unanimously <br />approved. <br />Mr. Ralph Stogner requesting abandonment of certain lands on <br />Old Dixie Highway was referred to the office of the Administrator. <br />The Board then adjourned at 12:00 o'clock Noon and reconvened <br />at 1:30 o'clock P. M. with the same members present. <br />On Motion by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner <br />Bogosian and unanimously carried, Commissioner Macdonald was <br />authorized to travel to Tallahassee within the next two or three <br />h <br />weeks regarding several items of County business. <br />Mr. Pat Corrigan, Mr. E. E. Carter, and Mr. M. H. Carlton, <br />local representative of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service appeared <br />before the Board and introduced Mr. James Weir, a Coordinator of <br />the River Basin Investigation Program of the U. S. Department of <br />Agriculture. He advised the Board that his office is cooperating <br />with the Florida State Board of Conservation to make reports on <br />several areas in the State, and to develop a Master Plan for soil <br />and water conservation for many years to come. He stated that <br />Indian River County as part of theSt. Johns River Basin and <br />Intervening Coastal Area is rich' in land resources, but somewhat <br />short on water resources. <br />Mr. Weir then introduced Mr. Charles Saunders,•a civil engineer <br />employed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, who showed the <br />Board a program of projection slides including maps and charts of <br />water resources of this Area. The presentation showed proposed <br />water management canals, the value of which could be greatly lessened <br />• and perhaps made worthless by the construction of Highway I 95 as <br />presently planned. <br />The Board was made aware of the necessity for at least three <br />large bridges under the new highway in order to allow the proper <br />flow of water across Indian River County. Mr. Weir recommended <br />that the Board communicate with both the State Road Board and Mr. <br />J. B. Solohub of the State Water Resources and Conservation Division <br />RP 8 eno.r 11:.:372 <br />