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' �?y�V�yt.fax�l,'i�,h>•tt,`,d. 1 l 1. <br />and they were introduced to Doctor Britton and Mr. Sellers who <br />will aid them in the program. <br />On a Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Bogosian, the following Agreement was unanimously approved: <br />PARTICIPATING AGREEMENT <br />FOR INVESTIGATION OE WATER RESOURCES <br />THIS AGREEMENT entered as of the //T day of <br />FLORIDA BOARD OF .CONSERVATION -DIVISION OF GE <br />first part, and INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. FLORIDA <br />part. <br />, 1968 by the <br />LOGY, party of the <br />, party of the second <br />1. The parties hereto agree that subject to the availability of appropri- <br />ations and in. accordance with their respective authorities, there is in existence <br />a cooperative agreement for investigation of water resources of the State of <br />'Florida between the FLORIDA BOARD OF CONSERVATION -DIVISION OF <br />GEOLOGY, the U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, and Indian River County, Florida. <br />2. Party of the first part agrees that records, reports, and other ' <br />items of information resulting from this investigation shall be made available <br />to party of the second part upon request, as promptly as possible. <br />3. Party of the second part agrees to contribute the sum of $ 15. 000. p0 <br />toward the cost of the necessary field and office work directly related to this <br />investigation for the period October 1, 1968 through September BOE 19h9. <br />Such funds shall be made payable in advance to the Florida Board of Conservation - <br />Division of Geology and placed in a trust fund with the State Treasurer for <br />disbursement to the U. S. Geological. Survey upon receipt of vouchers from <br />the U. S. Geological Survey. Such funds shall be matched by State and/or <br />Federal. funds. <br />4. The parties hereto agree that if the work is not being carried on in <br />a mutually satisfactory manner, either party may terminate this agreement <br />upon 60 days written notice to the other party. <br />5. All non -expendable property necessary for the performance of this <br />investigation shall be purchased from funds made available by the Florida <br />Board of Conservation -Division of Geology or the U. S. Geological Survey. <br />FLORIDA BOARD OF CONSERVATION <br />DIVISION GF GEOLOGY <br />B y:� L# < . L. S. <br />R. ernon, Director'. <br />Indian River County, Florida <br />Bv: <br />Upon a Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by <br />Commissioner Graves the Corp of Engineers was requested to make <br />BOO 11 <br />SEP 1 l <br />371 <br />fl <br />