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in a portion of Unit $3 of River Shores Estates Subdivision along <br />12th Street S. E. is approved with the agreement with Mr. Lowenstein <br />that Miami Type Gutters will be used on all additional streets. <br />On a Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Bogosian the request of the Administrator for him and Gene Hamilton to <br />attend Sanitary Landfill Seminar to be held in Daytona Beach on <br />November 13, 1968 was unanimously approved. <br />Chairman Dritenbas left the meeting and Vice Chairman D. B. McCullers, <br />Jr. took the Chair. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner Bogosian, seconded by Commissioner <br />Macdonald and unanimously carried that the Tax Assessor be granted <br />permission to use sections of the conference table until they were <br />needed by the County Commissioners. <br />On a Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Bogosian and unanimously carried the following recommendations of the <br />Long Range Planning Authority were approved. <br />1. That the name of the group be changed to the Indian <br />River County Long Range Planning Authority. <br />2. That it emcampass any of the areas that are deemed <br />necessary or vital to the orderly growth of Indian <br />River County. <br />3. That it would be empowered to hold public hearings <br />on matters deemed necessary by the Authority. <br />A letter was read from Arnold Ramos, District Engineer of the State <br />Road Department regarding the closing of two access roads to Route *60, <br />and the County's participation in making new access roads available. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Bogosian and unanimously carried that the Public Hearing be conducted <br />by this Board jointly with the representative of the State Road <br />Department on the question of access to State Road ##60 at the Main <br />Canal, held at the next regular meeting of the Board of <br />County Commissioners on November 20th at 11:00 o'clock A. M. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Bogosian and unanimously carried that the Administrator be authorized <br />to prepare a list of specifications for the purchase of a new carfor <br />wo 11 mot26 <br />NOV G�9�� <br />