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Upon a Motion made by Commissioner Loy, seconded by Commissioner <br />Bogosian, Jack G. Jennings was unanimously reappointed as County <br />Administrator. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner <br />Loy that Gladys Vigliano be reappointed as County Welfare Caseworker. <br />This Motion was opposed by Commissioner Bogosian and Commissioner Massey, <br />Chairman Dritenbas did not vote and for lack of quorum.. the Motion was <br />not carried. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner Bogosian, seconded by Commissioner <br />Massey and unanimously carried that Mrs. Vigliano be temporarily <br />reappointed as County Welfare Caseworker. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by <br />Commissioner Loy that Thomas H. Trent be reappointed as Civil Defense <br />Director. Commissioner Bogosian opposed the Motion. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner Massey and seconded by <br />Commissioner Bogosian that the above Motion be amended that Thomas H. <br />Trent be reappointed on a temporary basis. The Motion was unanimous. <br />Rosemary Richey, Supervisor of Registration, appeared before the <br />Board and presented the 1969 Jury List. After due consideration by <br />the members of the Board, a Motion was made by Commissioner Loy, <br />seconded by Commissioner Bogosian and unanimously carried that the <br />following persons be selected, in compliance with the Laws of <br />Florida to be placed on the Indian River County Jury List for the <br />year 1969. <br />; 12,ASE 02 <br />