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w i <br /> TIER 2 — Sustainable Communities Grant Consortium Member. This includes the basic commitments <br /> and <br /> responsibilities outlined for Partnership members, but also includes additional commitment of leveraged resources in <br /> terms of staff, financial investment, or other resources . To be a Consortium member, a Partnership member must <br /> execute a consortium agreement to formalize their greater level of commitment and direct involvement in <br /> the <br /> development and implementation of the Regional Vision and Blueprint for Economic Prosperity . <br /> TIER 3 — Consortium Subgrantees . In addition to general Consortium participant commitments and responsibilities, a <br /> subset of Consortium participants may be asked to perform specific work program tasks . In <br /> addition to this <br /> Agreement, Consortium Subgrantees will be required to enter into a contract with specific deliverables and <br /> time <br /> frames, and meet all HUD requirements . <br /> As the Regional Vision and Blueprint for Economic Prosperity initiative unfolds, work groups meet, <br /> and the <br /> Executive Committee makes decisions on process and content, new roles and responsibilities may emerge <br />. <br /> These new roles and responsibilities will be captured in project scopes and new agreements . <br /> VII . Accountability : To ensure successful completion of the project activities, Consortium participants <br /> will <br /> designate a primary delegate and a backup delegate to serve as points of contact for the participating <br /> organization with the SFRPC and participate in meetings of the Consortium . Consortium participants <br />shall <br /> participate in meetings and provide leverage and in - kind reporting forms to the SFRPC as requested to meet <br />all <br /> HUD requirements . Guidance regarding general reporting for leverage and in - kind funds will be provided once it <br /> is received from HUD . Subgrantee contracts will contain specific deliverables, time frames , and reporting <br /> requirements . <br /> Overall initiative accountability will be managed by a three level project management system . <br /> Level I - The highest level is reporting periodically on individual project progress and how that relates to the overall <br /> initiative progress . This will be done through the website and quarterly status reports . <br /> Level II - Project management of specific work tasks or projects will include identified tasks and timelines which will <br /> be captured and monitored . The Project Director and Program Manager will be responsible for ensuring that work <br /> tasks undertaken by Consortium participants, who may also be subgrantees , are tracked , recorded , and incorporated <br /> into an overall project management system to ensure timely completion of delegated tasks . <br /> Level III - The third level of project accountability will be the oversight of the Executive Committee , which will meet at <br /> least once per quarter to review progress on individual projects as well as the overall initiative . <br /> VIII . Joinability : The Southeast Florida Regional Partnership and the Sustainable Communities Grant Consortium <br /> will continue to grow over time . An ongoing task will be to reach out to potential new partners and seek <br /> their <br /> membership and active involvement . New partners will be asked to sign the Partnership MOU or Consortium <br /> Agreement as appropriate . Interested stakeholders who have not joined the Partnership will be able <br /> to <br /> participate in appropriate work groups and the regional summits and community workshops, and <br /> will be <br /> encouraged to join the Partnership as members . <br /> VIIII . Public Engagement : All meetings of the Southeast Florida Regional Partnership and the Consortium are <br /> publicly noticed . On most occasions, interested persons can participate by phone , webinar, or in person . The <br /> Consortium will implement a wide ranging public engagement process throughout the region that prioritizes the <br /> engagement of all community residents and stakeholders, particularly groups traditionally underrepresented in <br /> public planning processes . This process will include community outreach , written and visual materials and <br /> information accessible to disabled populations . The public involvement component will ensure the participation <br /> of a wide range of stakeholders to ensure a diversity of population , viewpoints , and issues . <br /> 5 <br />