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Sherman Peterson, Chairman Vero Beach Motel Association, Traffic <br />Committee; Anthony Giannotti, President, Vero Beach Motel Association; <br />and Elmer Olexo of the Association appeared and further commented <br />on the issue. <br />Commissioner Bogosian reported on the activities of a newly <br />formed Water Management Committee of the Long Range Planning Authority <br />and mentioned that the Long Range Planning Authority proposes to have <br />an unofficial meeting with the Members of the Indian River Farms <br />Drainage District next Thursday. <br />Orville Hill and other citizens of Idlewild Subdivision appeared <br />before the Board in regard to drainage problems in the Subdivision. <br />The County Administrator explained that the County has acquired <br />additional drainage easement and that the equipment has been able <br />to go in and cut the ditch to a. better grade and pitch. He said that <br />he would be happy to cooperate with the citizens of the Subdivision <br />or with their representative, in any way that he could to help the <br />situation. It was suggested that the owners of the properties jointly <br />purchase pipe which would then be set to the proper grade and <br />installed by the County. <br />John Beach, Staff Engineer of the General Development Corporation, <br />appeared before the Board stating that 10 year lot contracts are now <br />maturing, and that, as the lots were sold at a time under different <br />subdivision regulations, he is requesting that the regulation appertaining <br />to Miami Type Gutters be waived for the planned subdivision, 35% of the <br />lots having been sold. A Motion was made by Commissioner Bogosian, <br />seconded by Commissioner Loy and unanimously carried that the request <br />of Mr. Beach be denied. <br />Ralph Sexton, Chairman of the Indian River Zoning Commission, <br />appeared before the Board with the request that with the high rise <br />apartment issue coming before them, the Commission would like to hire a <br />land planner not to exceed $300.00 cost to the County. On a Motion <br />made by Commissioner Massey, seconded by Commissioner Loy and unanimously <br />carried, the Administrator was authorized to contact Mr. Vine of <br />Naples or another suitable planner at a cost not to exceed 0108.00. <br />�r�P,i' 1 <br />