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I ) The DEPARTMENT , during any fiscal year, shall not expend money, incur any <br /> liability, or enter into any contract which , by its terms, involves the expenditure of <br /> money in excess of the amounts budgeted as available for expenditure during such <br /> fiscal year. Any contract, verbal or written , made in violation of this subsection is null <br /> and void , and no money may be paid on such contract . The DEPARTMENT shall <br /> require a statement from the Comptroller of the DEPARTMENT that funds are <br /> available prior to entering into any such contract or other binding commitment of <br /> funds . Nothing herein contained shall prevent the making of contracts for periods <br /> exceeding one year, but any contract so made shall be executory only for the value of <br /> the services to be rendered or agreed to be paid for in succeeding fiscal years . <br /> 5 . ROADWAY LEVEL OF SERVICE <br /> A) Fla . Stat. § 163 . 3180 requires that facilities funded through the Transportation Regional <br /> Incentive Program adopt the level of service standards established by the <br /> DEPARTMENT for the PROJECT limits . <br /> B ) The logical termini for level of service purposes are 66`h Avenue from SR- 60 to 41 S` <br /> Street . <br /> C ) The COUNTY agrees that once the additional capacity from the PROJECT is available <br /> for purposes of concurrency under Fla . Stat . § 163 . 3180 , it will officially adopt the <br /> DEPARTMENT ' S level of service for the segment of 66`h Avenue between the logical <br /> termini specified in ( B) , above . This will be accomplished through an update to the <br /> comprehensive plan within one year. <br /> 6 . INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE <br /> A ) INDEMNITY <br /> i) With respect to any of the COUNTY ' S agents , consultants , subconsultants , <br /> contractors , and/or sub -contractors , such party in any contract for this Project shall <br /> agree to indemnify , defend , save and hold harmless the DEPARTMENT from all <br /> claims , demands , liabilities , and suits of any nature arising out of, because of or due <br /> to any intentional and/or negligent act or occurrence , omission or commission of <br /> such agents , consultants , subconsultants , contractors and/or subcontractors . The <br /> COUNTY shall provide to the DEPARTMENT written evidence of the foregoing <br /> upon the request of the DEPARTMENT . It is specifically understood and agreed <br /> that this indemnification clause does not cover or indemnify the DEPARTMENT for <br /> its own negligence . <br /> ii ) When either party receives notice of claim for damages that may have been caused <br /> by the other party in the performance of services required under this Agreement, that <br /> Page 6 <br />