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EXHIBIT " D " <br /> SINGLE AUDIT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS <br /> FEDERAL and/or STATE resources awarded to the recipient pursuant to this agreement should be <br /> listed below . If the resources awarded to the recipient represent more than one Federal or State <br /> program , provide the same information for each program and the total resources awarded . <br /> Compliance Requirements applicable to each State program should also be listed below . If the <br /> resources awarded to the recipient represent more than one program , list applicable compliance <br /> requirements for each program in the same manner as shown here : <br /> STATE RESOURCES <br /> State Agency Catalog of State Financial Assistance ( Number & Title ) Amount <br /> DOT 55 . 009 Small County Outreach Program $ 465 , 920 . 00 <br /> ( Department of Transportation ) <br /> Activities Allowed : Project costs must be incurred subsequent to agreement execution <br /> ( contract provision ) . Project scope of services identifies the types of <br /> work that are eligible for reimbursement ( contract provision ) . <br /> Allowable Costs : Identified in the contract document up to a lump sum or maximum <br /> limiting amount . <br /> Period of State Fiscal Year: July 1 to June 30 . The contract must be executed <br /> Availability : during the fiscal year for which state funds are programmed . Once <br /> committed , the funds certify forward across fiscal years forthe life of the <br /> contract . <br /> Reporting . Project costs are reviewed and approved upon receipt of an invoice <br /> from the county or municipality . <br /> Subrecipient The county or municipality is responsible for monitoring the work of <br /> Monitoring : subrecipients . Subrecipient invoices are reviewed , verified and paid by <br /> the county or municipality. County or municipality invoices are then <br /> reviewed and approved for payment by FDOT . Subrecipients do not <br /> invoice FDOT directly . <br /> Page 15 <br />