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of all properties. Carrying out the due diligence shall include, but not be limited <br />to: <br />a. Obtaining surveys of properties, including flood plain elevation <br />information, if applicable; <br />b. Obtaining phase one environmental assessments of properties <br />utilizing qualified firms; <br />c. Verifying that the current zoning classification of properties is <br />compatible with the intended use of the properties; <br />d. Obtaining title searches on properties and verifying the ability to <br />obtain title insurance; <br />e. Insuring there are no existing hens or judgments filed against <br />properties; <br />f. Carrying out rehabilitation inspections and developing cost <br />estimates of repairs that need to be completed prior to occupying <br />properties; <br />g. Completing property specific HUD Environmental Reviews; <br />8. Coordinate closings on the properties; <br />9. Ensure that all requirements of the Federal Uniform Relocation Act <br />(URA) associated with the acquisition of properties are followed; and <br />10. Develop professional service contracts that are consistent with OMB <br />6 <br />