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17. Monitor contractor performance and compliance with contract <br />requirements. <br />18. Establish procedures relating to the procurement and implementation <br />of contractual services, all pursuant to HUD and DEO requirements and <br />regulations. <br />19. Attend all HUD and DEO monitorings and prepare the County's <br />response(s) to HUD and DEO monitoring letters. <br />C. DEMOLITION SERVICES <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES OF THE ADMINISTRATOR(S) <br />The Administrator(s) shall provide the following services for the demolition <br />subsection of this project: <br />1. Implement the Project according to the activities in the County's NSP <br />CDBG application and NSP Plan. <br />2. Maintain a public relations program regarding the demolition aspects <br />of the project. The public relations. program shall consist of informing the owners <br />of properties adjacent to a property that contains a building to be demolished of the <br />County's intent to demolish the structure and the intended use of the property after <br />the demolition is completed. <br />3. Develop and maintain a schedule of services regarding various aspects <br />8 <br />