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D. If plants are marked "BR" on the Drawings they shall be dug with bare roots. Do <br />not cut roots within the minimum spread listed on the Drawings. Ensure roots do <br />not dry out during moving or before planting. <br />E. Protection of Palms: Only remove a minimum of palm fronds from the crown of <br />the palm tree to facilitate moving and handling. Clear Trunk (CT) shall be as <br />specified after the minimum of fronds have been removed. <br />F. Excavate tree pits using extreme care to avoid damage to subsurface utilities or <br />adjacent improvements. <br />G. Repair damage to other work caused by plant installation and maintenance. <br />3.2 PLANTING PROCEDURES <br />A. Cleanup the site before commencing the work and after the work is completed. <br />Remove all objectionable matter, rubbish, etc. from the site before planting. <br />These materials shall not be mixed with the soil. <br />B. After uniformly grading or hand raking the ground surface, prepare the ground <br />prior to planting using appropriate methods. The surface shall be free of ruts <br />and graded in accordance with the Drawings. The ground shall be free of weed <br />growth either by cultivation or spraying of approved herbicides. <br />C. Install and maintain all plants as recommended by the supplier nursery. Perform <br />all planting procedures with qualified personnel. Insure no air pockets are <br />around the roots. <br />D. Set plants straight and level such that after settlement, the plant crown will stand <br />one to two inches above grade. Set each plant in the center of the pit. <br />E. The OWNER will meet with the CONTRACTOR in the field to determine the <br />locations of all trees. The locations shown on the Drawings may be field <br />adjusted to provide optimum aesthetics and habitat cover. <br />F. After planting trees, remove all broken branches and suckers with a clean cut. <br />G. Evenly space ground cover plants in accordance with the Drawings. <br />H. Guy and brace all trees to insure stability and to maintain the tree in an upright <br />position and to secure it against high winds. <br />Hydro -seeding Wildflowers and Native Grasses for Upland Areas and Wetland <br />Last revised 11-4-2010 EXHIBIT A-5 Egret Marsh <br />F:\Public Works\KeithM\Stormwater Projects\Egret Marsh Construction\Work Orders\GK Environmental\GK Environmental - Work <br />Order #L-1 -Exhibit A.doc <br />