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Areas <br />1. <br />2. <br />3 <br />0 <br />5 <br />Apply fertilizer at a rate of 1,000 pounds per acre. <br />Mulch — The mulch shall be a wood cellulose fiber especially prepared for <br />use in hydro -seeding, such as the material supplied by Terra -Mulch (800) <br />726-6414. Apply the mulch in the slurry mixture at the rates <br />recommended by the manufacturer for the slopes being covered. The <br />color of the mulch mix for the upland hydro -seeding area shall be red and <br />the mulch mix color for the wetland hydro -seeding area shall be green. <br />Polyacrylamide —Anionic polyacrylamide shall be added to the mulch mix <br />to increase its ability to retain water. The polyacrylamide type and amount <br />shall be determined by the polyacrylamide supplier based on soil samples <br />from the site. One such supplier is Applied Polymer Systems, Inc. <br />(, (678) 494-5998). The CONTRACTOR shall provide <br />the soil samples to the polyacrylamide supplier. <br />Hydro -seeding — The quantity of seed shall be as previously indicated <br />herein. Mix the proportions of seed, mulch, and fertilizer with water and <br />other appropriate components, such as lime tacking agents and growth <br />stimulants. Mix and apply the slurry with equipment specifically designed <br />for this purpose. Uniformly apply the slurry over the area being covered <br />and provide the specified rates of application. All work shall be in <br />accordance with the directions of the hydro -seeding equipment <br />manufacturer and the material supplier. <br />When the wildflowers and native grasses begin to establish, apply an <br />application of nitrate of soda or sulfate of ammonia fertilizer uniformly at a <br />rate of 300 pounds per acre. Apply after the soil is sufficiently moist to insure <br />quick dissolving of fertilizer. <br />J. The positioning of the duck potato and the pickerelweed may be reversed as <br />recommended by the landscape professionals, in order to increase the plants' <br />survivability and growth potential. <br />3.3 THE TWO-YEAR LANADSCAPE MAINTENANCE PERIOD (i.e. THE LANDSCAPE <br />WARRANTY PERIOD) <br />A. Beginning on the date of final acceptance by the OWNER, maintain all of the <br />landscape plantings (the existing plantings and all plantings included in this Work <br />Order) and any temporary irrigation facilities for a period of two years. There are <br />two warranty periods during this two-year maintenance period — (1) the Initial <br />Warranty Period which duration varies depending on the plant as discussed <br />below, and (2) the remainder of the two-year maintenance period. During the <br />two-year maintenance period, the CONTRACTOR shall guarantee all of the <br />following: <br />1. Initial Warranty Period — For All Landscape Items Planted Under This <br />Last revised 11-4-2010 EXHIBIT A-6 Egret Marsh <br />F:\Public Works\KeithM\Stormwater Projects\Egret Marsh Construction\Work Orders\GK Environmental\GK Environmental - Work <br />Order #L-1 -Exhibit A.doc <br />