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• <br />.nr: <br />oti.on mane by commissionerMcCul ers, seconded by <br />Commissioner Massey, the following Resolution was <br />Cls a1 d)v,a 1., .a ••t.,w,atrin r.:: <br />TAY I1••..,: <br />1417.1 Jo' 1 , •r. 1, 30 t: lr <br />• <br />unanimously approved: <br />11US A;nI•:+;Y:, pease and cnu u.'t into Ut:a ),7 dap of 1?e,('ex a 19 ..69r Ivy and between tie STA;1: er F7n9101 mr,vt1'•1 :r et, <br />TRANSeCarreTlCH, A um:Anent tryr y of the State of Florida, haroinaft•r ca11e.1 the Dt'p*areent, and the couwr orindian Rive 3.r in;,twr <br />.?.Celled the County: <br />14ITN1:.S61Hs <br />W3FASAS, by Florida Statutes, 1965, 335.041, thu cependiture of secondary road funds for the construction and recorstty:;i...s er reef's. r:; <br />ROA <br />municipal connecting links thereof and city streets Mas authorized: and <br />wise s, etc County has ausiunAtcd Job No, 88520-3602, SR S-611(Clemann Ave.), from Citrus Ave. to <br />S in Vero Beach for construction (or reconstruction) fries nanol inn tax funds: accruing, to the Vv rttcnt for r <br />xdx:rrlituso <br />alt the County tatter than pewisia:s of Florida Statutes, Section 208.44, and Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitution of the State of Florida; ani <br />teallFAS, said work has been requested by the County to bo ernvlcted ly the Doparteent under the Dc1►rrtmvnt's supervision In accordance with <br />t 3 spvcificatievn of the De aartni,it: <br />lemmas, the Ctaunty dcsiren, after the m,pletion of maid real, hicj way, sunlclp,l:amnectlnrl link, or city street, that said rend, <br />c , aundcdpnl oontaolinl link, or city :street to received en tau Etatn Secondary tt,wxl $yntem ctrl he n elntaine.l by the D•partrrr.t. <br />Mot. TutauStc.c. Teti I1 !Oahe: mita. ^I alt That in rennicb'r.ttlrn of U•u ptunh:ett and covenants hornlmfter oat forth w U kept Aral <br />nntperformed <br />;by o.dt of the parties hereto. it is hereby mutually cum -named end agreed an folicrens <br />1. 11u apart/astt sill a U Job No. 88520-3602, SR S-611(Clemann Ave. ), from Citrus Ave. to <br />SR- 60 in Vero Beach to the tante AeeoeteIltry road system and construct or reconstruct said project charging all costs of the <br />a• <br />Object to garzlino tax furls accruing to Uin nepartrment for Ino in Indian River <br />County under Shu <br />Y provisions of Florida Statutes, <br />i i Sebum 204.44, and Article TX of tin Constitution of tho State of Florida and the construction or reconstruction of said fro Act will Lu in <br />with requirements of the Florida Statutes and the Depart:net Regulations relating to expenditure of <br />1 ce :`ruction of roads on the state gasoline tax Maids and <br />, secondary toad system. <br />t <br />. <br />2. Said work shall be perfonmd under the Department's supervision in accordance with the specifications of the Depart Ant. <br />4i.;. <br />3. Dion completion and acceptance by the Department of said road, highway, municipal connecting link, or city street, it is understood and <br />40.ead that the Department will retain said road, highway, municipal casae tint! link or city'street on the aeocn'aty systema and perform raintenanee <br />• <br />liletaadance with the usual standards for maintenance of the Department and under the supervision of the Department's State Highway Engineer. <br />4. The County. agrees to the expenditure of all funds necessary for the maintenance on a current basis of the afor>,sentioned project, said <br />s as to be deducted from the County's secondary gas tax accruals on a current basis. <br />' S. The County agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the Department from any and all claims of any nature whatsoever <br />arising <br />amt afar' because of this Ag:+earent. <br />IN WITNESS Nom, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, the day and year first above w it -,.el. <br />: STATE OF PSORTOA DEPANDEUT OF TRANSPORTAS:CN • . <br />BY: <br />Ai to the Department <br />a . Director of Administration <br />!ATTEST: <br />(SMI.) <br />Secretary <br />.Ind' an River <br />BY: • ^ ,e e <br />� t : I, .ret, e C1077.t atee ere <br />Indian River <br />�� <br />ATTEST:'� � � dr, .., (.caw <br />elk o the ui resit Court as ex�::icio Clerk of taw: !bard <br />of County Ccdxmissioners of Cotunty, Florita <br />RFSou'riaN Iwo. 69-70 <br />RFSDLLT1(IN ADOP1Rpi1 177mlirroN OP ted t)RM DU4 OF M1tII:41NF =WIN <br />lug SATE OF Flee= DCPART4ENT OF TRA=ORFATIf tl, A CCAm' AGENCY OF 11E STATE OF FLORIDA AND TAE COUNTY CF Indian River <br />A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF TICE STATE OF FLORIDA <br />!' °CJIs, the t9TA•p Qs Pu►pinA DIPAPI+RTrr tie TRN VleTaTUn has agreed to construct that certain road described as Job No. 88520— <br />36024 SR S-611 (Clemann Ave.), from Citrus Ave. to SR 60 in Vero Beach t and <br />1•ilF7tE►s, Indian River Cvstty desires that said road be retained on the state se:weary road system in accordance with the <br />Agreebent made and entered into between the Department and Indian 'River county, dated the , 7 day of December . 19 6 9 <br />um, TREREFORE, sE rr RESOLVED BY 11m wow OF CDUATY OCMISSI OWNS OF Indian River cowry, FLORIDA: <br />section 1. That =lain Agreement dated the 17 day of December ,i96 9 , by and bearer the r.A-E c: FLORIDA rt. APTs r <br />;4' TRr,NSPORTATLON, a component agency of the State of Florida and the County of Indian River'executed by the Caiman of this Board and <br />attested to by the Clerk of the Circuit Court as Dcofficio Clerk of this Board. <br />Section 2. That this Agree/rent bo and the same hereby is an obligation and covenant of the County of Indian River <br />each and every respect and the liabilities therein contained shall bo tho liabilities of the County of Indian River <br />kegs for .the life of t and Agreement. <br />Section 3. tho Agrtxmcnt shall bo a part of this Resolution in each and every respect and that o eutificd en;y of this Se:aolution <br />ahxill 1'o nulmittcd to the STATE OF FLORIDA DFz'ARMVr OF TRANSI'ORTATICN and shall lseourpay each earcutod copy of the elated this 12_day <br />ec December , 1,69 <br />S ISTe Of FL eetILA <br />Y or Indian River <br />11U UiY CP.ls17FY that the foregoingole a taw and correct copy of Resolution panned by the Pcord of County Condsaio crs of <br />Cottflly, Florida, at motley hold the J day of llfaCe er �, A.D. 19.69 , and n•cvnkd in thta Ctmtdssion minutes. <br />on a continuing <br />IN 1411> .d taa:alll', I htretmau tut ay Rand awl official scat this 17 day orDecember <br />DE 1,;. i 7 "969.. , <br />• <br />r A.D. 19 _6.9 <br />Indian Riygr <br />