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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> . R . . J . R . SMITH , CLERK <br /> (a) Operate the Continuum of Care. The Continuum of Care must: <br /> ( 1 ) Hold meetings of the full membership, with published agendas, at least semi-annually; <br /> (2) Make an invitation for new members to join publicly available within the geographic at least annually; , <br /> (3) Adopt and follow a written process to select a board to act. on behalf of the Continuum of Care, The. process must <br /> be reviewed, updated, and approved by the Continuum at least once every 5 years ; <br /> (4) Appoint additional committees, subcommittees, or workgroups ; <br /> (5) In consultation with the collaborative applicant and the HMIS Lead, develop, follow, and update annually a <br /> governance charter, which will include all procedures and policies needed to comply with subpart B of this part and <br /> with HMIS requirements as prescribed by HUD; and a code of conduct and recusal process for the board, its <br /> chair(s), and any person acting on behalf of the board; <br /> (6) Consult with recipients and subrecipients to establish performance targets appropriate for population and <br /> program type, monitor recipient and subrecipient performance, evaluate outcomes, and take action against poor <br /> performers ;. <br /> (7) Evaluate outcomes of projects funded under the Emergency Solutions Grants program and the Continuum of <br /> Care program, and report to HUD; <br /> (8) In consultation with recipients of Emergency Solutions Grants program funds within the geographic area, <br /> establish and operate either a centralized or coordinated assessment system that provides an initial, comprehensive <br /> assessment of the needs of individuals and families for housing and services. The Continuum must develop a <br /> specific policy to guide the operation of the centralized or coordinated assessment system on how its system will ' <br /> address the needs of individuals and families who are fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating <br /> violence, sexual assault, or stalking, but who are seeking shelter or services from nonvictim service providers . This <br /> system must comply with any requirements established by HUD by Notice. <br /> (9) In consultation with recipients of Emergency Solutions Grants program funds within the geographic area, <br /> establish and consistently follow written standards for providing Continuum of Care assistance. At a minimum, <br /> these written standards must include: <br /> (i) Policies and procedures for evaluating individuals' and families' eligibility for assistance under this part; <br /> (ii) Policies and procedures for determining and prioritizing which eligible individuals and families will receive <br /> transitional housing assistance ; . <br /> (iii) Policies and procedures for determining and prioritizing which eligible individuals and families will receive <br /> rapid rehousing assistance; <br /> (iv) Standards for determining what percentage or amount of rent each program participant must pay while receiving <br /> rapid rehousing assistance; <br /> (v) Policies and procedures for determining and prioritizing which eligible individuals and families will receive <br /> permanent supportive housing assistance; and <br /> (vi) Where the Continuum is designated a high-performing community, as described in subpart G of this part, <br /> policies and procedures set forth in 24 CFR 576 .400(e)(3)(vi), (e)(3)(vii), (e)(3)(viii), and (e)(3)(ix) . <br />