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1 , <br /> A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> :' I (it, J . R . SMITH , CLERK <br /> (b) The recipient or subrecipient, its project partners, and their contractors may not acquire, rehabilitate, convert, <br /> lease, repair, dispose of, demolish, or construct property for a project under this part, or commit or expend HUD or <br /> local funds for such eligible activities under this part, until HUD has performed an environmental review under 24 <br /> CFR part 50 and the recipient or subrecipient has received HUD approval of the property. <br /> § 578.33 Renewals. <br /> (a) In general. Awards made under this part and title IV of the Act, as in effect before August 30, 2012 (the <br /> Supportive Housing Program and the Shelter Plus Care program), may be renewed to continue ongoing leasing, <br /> operations, supportive services, rental assistance, HMIS , and administration beyond the initial funding period. To be <br /> considered for funding, recipients must submit a request in a form specified by HUD, must meet the requirements of <br /> this part, and must submit the request within the time frame established by HUD. <br /> (b) Length of renewal. HUD may award up to 3 years of funds for supportive services, leasing, HMIS, and operating <br /> costs.. Renewals of tenant-based and sponsor-based rental assistance may be for up to one year of rental assistance. <br /> Renewals of project-based rental assistance may be for up to 15 years of rental assistance, subject to availability of <br /> annual appropriations. <br /> (c) Assistance available. ( 1 ) Assistance during each year of a renewal period may be for: <br /> (i) Up to 100 percent of the amount for supportive services and HMIS costs in the final year of the prior funding <br /> period; <br /> (ii) Up to 100 percent of the amount for leasing and operating in the final year of the prior funding period adjusted in <br /> proportion to changes in the FMR for the geographic area; and <br /> (iii) For rental assistance, up to - 100 percent of the result of multiplying the number and unit size(s) in the. grant <br /> agreement by the number of months in the renewal grant term and the applicable FMR. <br /> (d) Review criteria. ( 1 ) Awards made under title IV of the Act, as in effect before August 30, 2012 are eligible for <br /> renewal in the Continuum of Care program even if the awardees would not be eligible for a new grant under the <br /> program, so long as they continue to serve the same population and the same number of persons or units in the same <br /> type of housing as identified in their most recently amended grant agreement signed before August 30, 2012. Grants <br /> will be renewed if HUD receives a certification from the Continuum that there is a demonstrated need for the <br /> project, and HUD finds that the project complied with program requirements applicable before August 30, 20,12. For <br /> purposes of meeting the requirements of this part, a project will continue to be administered in accordance with 24 <br /> CFR 582 . 330, if the project received funding under the Shelter Plus Care program, or 24 CFR 583 .325 , if the project <br /> received funding under the Supportive Housing Program. <br /> (2) Renewal of awards made after August 30, 2012. Review criteria for competitively awarded renewals made after <br /> August 30, 2012 will be described in the NOFA. <br /> (e) Unsuccessful projects. HUD may renew a project that was eligible for renewal in the competition and was part of <br /> an application that was not funded despite having been submitted on time, in the manner required by HUD, and <br /> containing the information required by HUD, upon a finding that the project meets the purposes of the Continuum of <br /> Care program. The renewal will not exceed more than one year and will be under such conditions as HUD deems — <br /> appropriate. <br /> (f) Annual Performance Report condition. HUD may terminate the renewal of any grant and require. the recipient to <br /> repay the renewal grant if: <br /> ( 1 ) The recipient fails to timely submit a HUD Annual Performance Report (APR) for the grant year immediately <br /> prior to renewal ; or <br />