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ATRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> , CLERK J , R . SMITH <br /> (2) The recipient submits an APR that HUD deems unacceptable or shows noncompliance with the requirements of <br /> the grant and this part. <br /> § 578.35 Appeal. <br /> (a) In general. Failure to follow the procedures or meet the deadlines established in this section will result in denial <br /> of the appeal. <br /> (b) Solo applicants. ( 1 ) Who may appeal. Nonprofits, States, and local governments, and instrumentalities of State or <br /> local governments that attempted to participate in the Continuum of Care planning process in the geographic area in <br /> which they operate, that believe they were denied the right to participate in a reasonable manner, and that submitted <br /> a solo application for funding by the application deadline established in the NOFA, may appeal the decision of the <br /> Continuum to HUD. <br /> (2) Notice of intent to appeal. The solo applicant must submit a written notice of intent to appeal, with a copy to the <br /> Continuum, with their funding application. <br /> (3) Deadline for submitting proof. No later than 30 days after the date that HUD announces the awards, the solo <br /> applicant shall submit in writing, with a copy to the Continuum, all relevant evidence supporting its claim, in such <br /> manner as HUD may require by Notice. <br /> (4) Response from the Continuum of Care. The Continuum shall have 30 days from the date of its receipt of the solo <br /> applicant's evidence to respond to HUD in writing and in such manner as HUD may require, with a copy to the solo <br /> applicant. <br /> (5 ) Decision. HUD will notify the solo applicant and the Continuum of its decision within 60 days of receipt of the <br /> Continuum's response. <br /> (6) Funding. If HUD finds that the solo applicant was not permitted . to participate in the Continuum of Care <br /> planning process in a reasonable manner, then HUD may award a grant to the solo applicant when funds next <br /> become available and may direct the Continuum of Case to take remedial steps to ensure reasonable participation in <br /> the future. HUD may also reduce the award to the Continuum's applicant(s) . <br /> (c) Denied or decreased funding. ( 1 ) Who may appeal. Eligible applicants that are denied funds by HUD, or that <br /> requested more funds than HUD awarded to them, may appeal the award by filing a written appeal, in such form and <br /> manner as HUD may require by Notice, within 45 days of the date of HUD's announcement of the award. <br /> (2) Decision. HUD will notify the applicant of its decision on the appeal within 60 days of HUD's receipt of the <br /> written appeal. HUD will reverse a decision only when the applicant can show that HUD error caused the denial or <br /> decrease. <br /> (3) Funding. Awards and increases to awards made upon appeal will be made from next available funds. <br /> (d) Competing Continuums of Care. ( 1 ) In general. If more than one Continuum of Care claims the same geographic <br /> area, HUD will award funds to the Continuum applicant(s) whose application(s) has the highest total score. No _ <br /> projects will be funded from the lower scoring Continuum. No projects that are submitted in two or more competing <br /> Continuum of Care applications will be funded. <br /> (2) Who may appeal. The designated applicant(s) for the lower scoring Continuum may appeal HUD's decision to . <br /> fund the application(s) from the competing Continuum by filing a written appeal, in such form and manner as HUD <br /> may require by Notice, within 45 days of the date of HUD's announcement of the award. <br />