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V00 30i Ii <br /> • Atg t M1s + SK� YF di . # t .i ( ��i .� <br /> tH <br /> . , , € � ? . 0 A. TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> J . R . SMITHCLERK <br /> (3) Decision. HUD will notify the applicant(s) of its decision on the appeal within 60 days of the date of Hole) s <br /> receipt of the written appeal.. HUD will. reverse a decision only upon a showing by the applicant that HUD error <br /> caused the denial. <br /> (e) Consolidated plan certification. ( 1 ) In general. An applicant may appeal to HUD a jurisdiction's refusal to , <br /> provide a certification of consistency with the Consolidated Plan. <br /> (2) Procedure. The applicant must submit a written appeal with its application to HUD and send a copy of the <br /> appeal to the jurisdiction that denied the certification of consistency. The appeal must include, at a minimum: <br /> (i) A copy of the applicant's request to the jurisdiction for the certification of consistency with the Consolidated <br /> Plan ; <br /> (ii) A copy of the jurisdiction's response stating the reasons for denial, including the reasons the proposed project is <br /> not consistent with the jurisdiction 's Consolidated Plan in accordance with 24 CFR 91 .500(c); and <br /> (iii) A statement of the reasons why the applicant believes its project is consistent with the jurisdiction's <br /> Consolidated Plan. <br /> (3) Jurisdiction response. The jurisdiction that refused to provide the certification of consistency with the <br /> jurisdiction 's Consolidated Plan shall have 10 days after receipt of a copy of the appeal to submit a written <br /> explanation of the reasons originally given for refusing to provide the certification and a written rebuttal to any <br /> claims made by the applicant in the appeal. <br /> (4) HUD review. (i) HUD will issue its decision within 45 days of the date of HUD's receipt of the jurisdiction's <br /> response. As part of its review, HUD will consider: <br /> (A) Whether the applicant submitted the request to the appropriate political jurisdiction; and <br /> (B ) The reasonableness of the jurisdiction's refusal to provide the certificate. <br /> (ii) If the jurisdiction did not provide written reasons for refusal, including the reasons why the project is not <br /> consistent with the jurisdiction's Consolidated Plan in its initial . response to the applicant's request fora certification, <br /> HUD will find for the applicant without further inquiry or response from the political jurisdiction. <br /> Subpart . D—Program Components and Eligible Costs <br /> Pa <br /> § 578 .37 Program components and uses of assistance. <br /> (a) Continuum of Care funds may be used to pay for the eligible costs listed in § 578.39 through §578 . 63 when used <br /> to establish and operate projects under five program components: permanent housing; transitional housing; <br /> supportive services only; HMIS ; and , in some cases, homelessness prevention. Although grant funds may be used by <br /> recipients and subrecipients in all components for the eligible costs of contributing data to the HMIS designated by <br /> the Continuum of Care, only HMIS Leads may use grant funds for an HMIS component. Administrative costs are <br /> eligible for all components. All components are subject to the restrictions on combining funds for certain eligible — <br /> activities in a single project found in §578 . 87(c) . The eligible program components are: <br /> ( 1 ) Permanent housing (PH). Permanent housing is community.-based housing, the purpose of which is to provide <br /> housing without a designated. length. of stay. Grant funds may be used for acquisition, rehabilitation, new <br /> construction, leasing, rental assistance, operating .costs, and supportive services . PH includes: <br />