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A TRUE COPY ' <br /> X13 A CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> J . R . SMITH , CLERK <br /> (i) Permanent supportive housing for persons With disabilities (PSH): PSH can only provide assistance to <br /> individuals with disabilities and families in which one adult or child has a disability. . Supportive services designed to <br /> meet the needs of the program participants must be made available to the program participants. <br /> (ii) Rapid rehousing. Continuum of Care funds may provide supportive services, as set forth in §578 .53 , and/or <br /> short-term (up to 3 months) and/or medium-term (for 3 to 24 months) tenant-based rental assistance, as set forth in <br /> §578 .51 (c), as necessary to help a homeless individual or family, with or without disabilities, move as quickly as <br /> possible into permanent housing and achieve stability in that housing: When providing short-term and/or medium- <br /> term rental assistance to program participants, the rental assistance is subject to §578.51 (a)( 1 ), but not <br /> §578 .51 (a)( 1 )(i) and (ii) ; (a)(2) ; (c) and (f) through (i) ; and (1)( 1 ). These projects : <br /> (A) Must follow the written policies and procedures established by the Continuum of Care for determining and <br /> prioritizing which eligible families and individuals will receive rapid rehousing assistance, as well as the amount or j <br /> percentage of rent that each program participant- must pay. <br /> (B ) May set a maximum amount or percentage of rental assistance that a program participant may receive, a <br /> maximum number of months that a program participant may receive rental assistance, and/or a maximum number of <br /> times that a program participant may receive rental assistance. The recipient or subrecipient may also require <br /> program participants to share in the costs of rent. For the purposes of calculating rent for rapid rehousing, the rent <br /> shall equal the sum of the total n onthly rent fortheunit and, if the tenant pays separately for utilities, the monthly <br /> allowance for utilities (excluding telephone) established by the public, housing authority- for the area ink which the <br /> housing is located. <br /> (C) Limit rental assistance to no more than 24 months to a household. <br /> (D) May provide supportive services for no longer than 6 months after rental assistance stops. <br /> (E) Must re-evaluate, not less . than once annually, that the .program participant lacks sufficient resources and support, <br /> networks necessary to retain housing without Continuum of Care assistance and. the types and amounts of assistance <br /> that the program participant needs to retain housing. The recipient or subrecipient may require each, program. <br /> participant receiving assistance to notify the recipient or subrecipient of changes in the program participant's income <br /> or other circumstances ( e. g. , changes in household composition) that affect the program participant's need for <br /> assistance. When 'notified of a relevant change, the recipient or subrecipient must reevaluate the program <br /> participant's eligibility and the amount and types of assistance that the program participant needs. <br /> (F) Require the program participant to meet with a case manager not less than once per month to assist the program <br /> participant in ensuring lona term housing stability. The project is . exempt from this requirement if the Violence <br /> Against Women Act of 1994 (42 U.S .C. 13925 et seq. ) or the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (42 <br /> U. S .C . 10401 et seq. ) prohibits the recipient carrying out the project from .making its housing conditional on the <br /> participant's acceptance of services. <br /> , . <br /> (2) Transitional Housing (TH). Transitional housing facilitates the movement of homeless individuals and families <br /> to PH within 24 months of entering TH. Grant funds may be used for acquisition, rehabilitation, new construction, <br /> leasing, rental assistance, operating costs, and supportive services. ' <br /> (3) Supportive ' Service Only (SSO). Funds may be used for acquisition; rehabilitation, relocation costs, or leasing of a <br /> facility from which supportive services will be provided, and supportive services in order to provide supportive <br /> services to unsheltered and sheltered homeless persons for whom the recipient or subrecipient is not providing <br /> housing or housing assistance. SSO includes street 'outreach. <br /> (4) HMIS. Funds may be used by HMIS Leads to lease a structure in which the HMIS is operated or as. operating <br /> funds to operate a structure in which the HMIS is operated, and for other costs eligible in § 578 .57 . <br /> ii <br /> 1 <br />