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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST RAGE <br /> J . K . BARTON , CLERK <br /> § 583 . 305 24 CFR Ch . V ( 41 - 09 Edition ) <br /> in providing supportive services for the project . individuals or families remain in that project <br /> ( g ) Records and reports . Each recipient of longer than 24 months . <br /> assistance under this part must keep any ( k) Outpatient health services . Outpatient <br /> records and make any reports ( including those health services provided by the recipient must <br /> pertaining to race, ethnicity, gender, and be approved as appropriate by HUD and the <br /> disability status data ) that HUD may require Department of Health and Human Services <br /> within the timeframe required . ( HHS) . Upon receipt of an application that <br /> ( h ) Confidentiality . Each recipient that proposes the provision of outpatient health <br /> provides family violence prevention or treatment services, HUD will consult with HHS with respect <br /> services must develop and implement to the appropriateness of the proposed services . <br /> procedures to ensure : ( 1 ) Annual assurances . Recipients who <br /> ( 1 ) The confidentiality of records pertaining receive assistance only for leasing , operating <br /> to any individual services; and costs or supportive services costs must provide <br /> ( 2 ) That the address or location of any an annual assurance for each year such <br /> project assisted will not be made public, except assistance is received that the project will be <br /> with written authorization of the person or operated for the purpose specified in the <br /> persons responsible for the operation of the application . <br /> project . <br /> ( i ) Termination of housing assistance . The (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control <br /> number 2506 -0112 ) <br /> recipient may terminate assistance to a (58 FR 13871 , Mar. 15, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 36892, July 19, <br /> participant who violates program requirements . 1994 ; 61 FR 51176, Sept. 30, 1996) <br /> Recipients should terminate assistance only in <br /> the most severe cases . Recipients may resume repayment <br /> 5 Term of commitment; <br /> assistance to a participant whose assistance was repayme <br /> previously terminated . In terminating assistance of grants; prevention of undue benefits. <br /> to a participant, the recipient must provide a ( a ) Term of commitment and conversion . <br /> formal process that recognizes the rights of Recipients must agree to operate the housing or <br /> individuals receiving assistance to due process provide supportive services in accordance with <br /> of law . This process , at a minimum , must this part and with sections 423 ( b)( 1 ) and ( b)( 3 ) <br /> consist of : of the McKinney Act ( 42 U . S . C . 11383 ( b )( 1 ) , <br /> ( 1 ) Written notice to the participant 11383 ( b) ( 3 ) ) , <br /> containing a clear statement of the reasons for ( b) Repayment of grant and prevention of <br /> termination ; undue benefits . In accordance with section <br /> ( 2 ) A review of the decision , in which the 423 ( c) of the McKinney Act ( 42 U . S . C . <br /> participant is given the opportunity to present 11383 (c) ) , HUD will require recipients to repay <br /> written or oral objections before a person other the grant unless HUD has authorized <br /> than the person ( or a subordinate of that conversion of the project under section <br /> person ) who made or approved the termination 423 ( b) ( 3 ) of the McKinney Act ( 42 U . S . C . <br /> decision ; and W04 ( 494t. 301 1996) <br /> ( 3 ) Prompt written notice of the final <br /> decision to the participant . § 583 . 310 Displacement, relocation, and <br /> (j ) Limitation of stay in transitional acquisition . <br /> housing . A homeless individual or family may <br /> remain in transitional housing for a period ( a ) Minimizing displacement . Consistent <br /> with the other goals and objectives of this part, <br /> longer than 24 months, if permanent housing <br /> recipients must assure that they have taken all <br /> for the individual or family has not been located <br /> or if the individual or family requires additional reasonable steps to minimize the displacement <br /> time to prepare for independent living . of persons ( families, individuals , businesses, <br /> However, HUD may discontinue assistance fora nonprofit organizations, and farms ) as a result <br /> transitional housing project if more than half of of supportive housing assisted under this part. <br /> the homeless <br /> www . hud . gov espanol . hud . gov Page 15 <br />