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ATRUECOPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> J , K , BARTON , CLERK <br /> Ofc. of Asst. Secy . , Comm . Planning, Develop . , HUD § 583 . 300 <br /> and safety of the occupants and so as to protect for hearing - impaired persons in each bedroom <br /> the residents from the elements . occupied by a hearing - impaired person . <br /> ( 2 ) Access . The housing must be accessible ( ii ) The public areas of all housing must be <br /> and capable of being utilized without equipped with a sufficient number, but not less <br /> unauthorized use of other private properties . than one for each area , of battery -operated or <br /> Structures must provide alternate means of hard -wired smoke detectors . Public areas <br /> egress in case of fire , include, but are not limited to, laundry rooms, <br /> ( 3 ) Space and security . Each resident must community rooms , day care centers, hallways , <br /> be afforded adequate space and security for stairwells , and other common areas . <br /> themselves and their belongings . Each resident ( c) Meals . Each recipient of assistance <br /> must be provided an acceptable place to sleep . under this part who provides supportive housing <br /> ( 4 ) Interior air quality . Every room or space for homeless persons with disabilities must <br /> must be provided with natural or mechanical provide meals or meal preparation facilities for <br /> ventilation . Structures must be free of pollutants residents . <br /> in the air at levels that threaten the health of ( d ) Ongoing assessment of supportive <br /> residents . services . Each recipient of assistance under this <br /> ( 5 ) Water supply . The water supply must part must conduct an ongoing assessment of <br /> be free from contamination . the supportive services required by the <br /> ( 6 ) Sanitary facilities . Residents must have residents of the project and the availability of <br /> access to sufficient sanitary facilities that are in such services, and make adjustments as <br /> proper operating condition , may be used in appropriate . <br /> privacy , and are adequate for personal ( e ) Residential supervision . Each recipient <br /> cleanliness and the disposal of human waste . of assistance under this part must provide <br /> ( 7 ) Thermal environment . The housing residential supervision as necessary to facilitate <br /> must have adequate heating and/or cooling the adequate provision of supportive services to <br /> facilities in proper operating condition . the residents of the housing throughout the <br /> ( 8 ) Illumination and electricity . The term of the commitment to operate supportive <br /> housing must have adequate natural or artificial housing . Residential supervision may include the <br /> illumination to permit normal indoor activities employment of a full - or part- time residential <br /> and to support the health and safety of supervisor with sufficient knowledge to provide <br /> residents . Sufficient electrical sources must be or to supervise the provision of supportive <br /> provided to permit use of essential electrical services to the residents , <br /> appliances while assuring safety from fire . ( f) Participation of homeless persons , ( 1 ) <br /> ( 9 ) Food preparation and refuse disposal . Each recipient must provide for the participation <br /> All food preparation areas must contain suitable of homeless persons as required in section <br /> space and equipment to store, prepare, and 426 ( g ) of the McKinney Act ( 42 U . S . C. <br /> serve food in a sanitary manner . 11386 ( g ) ) . This requirement is waived if an <br /> ( 10 ) Sanitary condition . The housing and applicant is unable to meet it and presents a <br /> any equipment must be maintained in sanitary plan for HUD approval to otherwise consult with <br /> condition , homeless or formerly homeless persons in <br /> ( 11 ) Fire safety . ( i ) Each unit must include considering and making policies and decisions . <br /> at least one battery-operated or hard -wired See also § 583 . 330( e ) . <br /> smoke detector, in proper working condition , on ( 2 ) Each recipient of assistance under this <br /> each occupied level of the unit . Smoke detectors part must, to the maximum extent practicable, <br /> must be located , to the extent practicable, in a involve homeless individuals and families, <br /> hallway adjacent to a bedroom . If the unit is through employment, volunteer services, or <br /> occupied by hearing - impaired persons , smoke otherwise, in constructing , rehabilitating , <br /> detectors must have an alarm system designed maintaining , and operating the project and <br /> www . hud . gov cspanol . hud . gov Page 14 <br />