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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> J . K . BARTON , CLERK <br /> § 583 . 235 24 CFR Ch . V ( 44 - 09 Edition ) <br /> release grant funds if the recipient or any other unacceptably slow expenditure of funds, or the <br /> party commits grant funds ( i . e . , incurs any costs recipient has been unsuccessful in assisting <br /> or expenditures to be paid or reimbursed with participants in achieving and maintaining <br /> such funds ) before the recipient submits and independent living . In determining the <br /> HUD approves its RROF (where such submission recipient's success in assisting participants to <br /> is required ) . achieve and maintain independent living , <br /> (68 FR 56131 , Sept. 29, 20031 consideration will be given to the level and type <br /> of problems of participants . For recipients with a <br /> § 583 . 235 Renewal grants. poor record of success, HUD will also consider <br /> ( a ) General . Grants made under this part, the recipient' s willingness to accept technical <br /> and grants made under subtitles C and D ( the assistance and to make changes suggested by <br /> Supportive Housing Demonstration and SAFAH , technical assistance providers . Other factors <br /> respectively) of the Stewart B . McKinney which will affect HUD's decision to approve a <br /> Homeless Assistance Act as in effect before renewal request include the following : a <br /> October 28 , 1992 , may be renewed on a continuing history of inadequate financial <br /> noncompetitive basis to continue ongoing management accounting practices , indications <br /> leasing , operations, and supportive services for of mismanagement on the part of the recipient, <br /> additional years beyond the initial funding a drastic reduction in the population served by <br /> period . To be considered for renewal funding for the recipient, program changes made by the <br /> leasing , operating costs , or supportive services , recipient without prior HUD approval , and loss <br /> recipients must submit a request for such of project site . <br /> funding in the form specified by HUD, must ( 2 ) HUD reserves the right to reject a <br /> meet the requirements of this part, and must request from any organization with an <br /> submit requests within the time period outstanding obligation to HUD that is in arrears <br /> established by HUD , or for which a payment schedule has not been <br /> ( b ) Assistance available . The first renewal agreed to , or whose response to an audit <br /> will be for a period of time not to exceed the finding is overdue or unsatisfactory . <br /> difference between the end of the initial funding ( 3 ) HUD will notify the recipient in writing <br /> period and ten years from the date of initial that the request has been approved or <br /> occupancy or the date of initial service disapproved . <br /> provision , as applicable . Any subsequent (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control <br /> renewal will be for a period of time not to number 2506-0112 ) <br /> exceed five years . Assistance during each year Subpart D - Program Requirements <br /> of the renewal period , subject to maintenance <br /> of effort requirements under § 583 . 150( a ) may § 583 . 300 General operation . <br /> be for : ( a ) State and local requirements . Each <br /> ( 1 ) Up to 50 percent of the actual recipient of assistance under this part must <br /> operating and leasing costs in the final year of provide housing or services that are in <br /> the initial funding period ; compliance with all applicable State and local <br /> ( 2 ) Up to the amount of HUD assistance for housing codes , licensing requirements, and any <br /> supportive services in the final year of the initial other requirements in the jurisdiction in which <br /> funding period ; and the project is located regarding the condition of <br /> ( 3 ) An allowance for cost increases . the structure and the operation of the housing <br /> ( c ) HUD review. ( 1 ) HUD will review the or services . <br /> request for renewal and will evaluate the ( b) Habitability standards . Except for such <br /> recipient' s performance in previous years variations as are proposed by the recipient and <br /> against the plans and goals established in the approved by HUD , supportive housing must <br /> initial application for assistance, as amended . meet the following requirements : <br /> HUD will approve the request for renewal unless ( 1 ) Structure and materials . The structures <br /> the recipient proposes to serve a population must be structurally sound so as not to pose <br /> that is not homeless, or the recipient has not any threat to the health <br /> shown adequate progress as evidenced by an <br /> WWWAmd . gov cspanol . hud , gov Page 13 <br />