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§ 582. 100 24 CFR Ch. V ( 44 - 09 Edition ) <br /> under which the deceased member was a necessary because of unusually high or low <br /> participant. ) family incomes . <br /> Recipient means an applicant approved to [61 FR 51169, Sept. 30, 1996; 62 FR 13539, Mar, 21, 1997] <br /> receive a S+ C grant. <br /> Seriously mentally ill has the meaning given Subpart B-Assistance Provided <br /> in section 462 of the McKinney Act ( 42 U . S . C. <br /> 11403g) . § 582. 100 Program component descriptions. <br /> Single room occupancy (SRO) housing ( a ) Tenant-based rental assistance (TRA) . <br /> means a unit for occupancy by one person, Tenant-based rental assistance provides grants <br /> which need not but may contain food for rental assistance which permit participants <br /> preparation or sanitary facilities, or both . to choose housing of an appropriate size in <br /> Sponsor means a nonprofit organization which to reside. Participants retain the rental <br /> which owns or leases dwelling units and has assistance if they move. Where necessary to <br /> contracts with a recipient to make such units facilitate the coordination of supportive services, <br /> available to eligible homeless persons and grant recipients may require participants to live <br /> receives rental assistance payments under the in a specific area for their entire period of <br /> SRA component. participation or in a specific structure for the <br /> State has the meaning given in section 462 first year and in a specific area for the <br /> of the McKinney Act (42 U . S . C. 11403g ) o remainder of their period of participation . <br /> Supportive service provider, or service provider, Recipients may not define the area in a way <br /> means a person or organization licensed or that violates the Fair Housing Act or the <br /> otherwise qualified to provide supportive Rehabilitation Act of 1973 . The term of the <br /> services, either for profit or not for profit, grant between HUD and the grant recipient for <br /> Supportive services means assistance that- TRA is five years . <br /> ( 1 ) Addresses the special needs of eligible ( b) Project-based rental assistance ( PRA) . <br /> persons; and Project- based rental assistance provides grants <br /> ( 2) Provides appropriate services or assists for rental assistance to the owner of an existing <br /> such persons in obtaining appropriate services, structure, where the owner agrees to lease the <br /> including health care, mental health treatment, subsidized units to participants. Participants do <br /> alcohol and other substance abuse services, not retain rental assistance if they move. Rental <br /> child care services, case management services, subsidies are provided to the owner for a period <br /> counseling, supervision , education, job training, of either five or ten years . To qualify for ten <br /> and other services essential for achieving and years of rental subsidies, the owner must <br /> maintaining independent living . complete at least $3, 000 of eligible <br /> ( Inpatient acute hospital care does not qualify rehabilitation for each unit ( including the unit's <br /> as a supportive service. ) . prorated share of work to be accomplished on <br /> Unit of general local government has the common areas or systems), to make the <br /> meaning given in section 102 of the Housing structure decent, safe and sanitary . This <br /> and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 <br /> U . S. C. 5302 ) o rehabilitation must be completed with in 12 Very low-income means an annual income <br /> months of the grant award . <br /> not in excess of 50 percent of the median (c) Sponsor- based rental assistance (SRA) . <br /> income for the area, as determined by HUD, Sponsor- based rental assistance provides grants <br /> with adjustments for smaller and larger families. for rental assistance through contracts between <br /> HUD may establish income limits higher or lower the grant recipient and sponsor organizations . A <br /> than 50 percent of the median income for the sponsor may be a private, nonprofit <br /> area on the basis of its finding that such organization or a community mental health <br /> variations are agency established as a public nonprofit <br /> organization . Participants reside in housing <br /> owned or leased by <br /> www , hud. gov espanol .hud. gov Mage 7 <br />
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