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Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUD Renewal Grant Agreement Alcohope
Shelter Plus Care Grant
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Ofc. of Asst. Secy., Comm . Planning, Develop., HUD § 582. 105 <br /> the sponsor. The term of the grant between program that includes a range of housing types <br /> HUD and the grant recipient for SRA is five with differing levels of supportive services. <br /> years . Rental assistance may include security deposits <br /> ( d ) Moderate rehabilitation for single room on units in an amount up to one month 's rent, <br /> occupancy dwellings ( SRO) . ( 1 ) The SRO ( b) Amount of the grant. The amount of <br /> component provides grants for rental assistance the grant is based on the number and size of <br /> in connection with the moderate rehabilitation units proposed by the applicant to be assisted <br /> of single room occupancy housing units , over the grant period. The grant amount is <br /> Resources to initially fund the cost of calculated by multiplying the number of units <br /> rehabilitating the dwellings must be obtained proposed times the applicable Fair Market Rent <br /> from other sources . However, the rental ( FMR) of each unit times the term of the grant. <br /> assistance covers operating expenses of the (c) Payment of grant. ( 1 ) The grant <br /> rehabilitated SRO units occupied by homeless amount will be reserved for rental assistance <br /> persons, including debt service to retire the cost over the grant period . An applicant's grant <br /> of the moderate rehabilitation over a ten -year request is an estimate of the amount needed for <br /> period . rental assistance. Recipients will make draws <br /> ( 2 ) SRO housing must be in need of from the reserved amount to pay the actual <br /> moderate rehabilitation and must meet the costs of rental assistance for program <br /> requirements of 24 CFR 882 . 803 (a ) . Costs participants . For TRA, on demonstration of <br /> associated with rehabilitation of common areas need, up to 25 percent of the total rental <br /> may be included in the calculation of the cost assistance awarded may be spent in any one of <br /> for assisted units based on the proportion of the the five years, or a higher percentage if <br /> number of units to be assisted under this part to approved by HUD, where the applicant provides <br /> the total number of units . evidence satisfactory to HUD that it is financially <br /> (3 ) SRO assistance may also be used for committed to providing the housing assistance <br /> efficiency units selected for rehabilitation under described in the application for the full five-year <br /> this program, but the gross rent (contract rent period . <br /> plus any utility allowance) for those units will be ( 2) A recipient must serve at least as many <br /> no higher than for SRO units ( i . e. , 75 percent of participants as shown in its application . Where <br /> the 0- bedroom Moderate Rehabilitation Fair the grant amount reserved for rental assistance <br /> Market Rent) . over the grant period exceeds the amount that <br /> (4 ) The requirements regarding will be needed to pay the actual costs of rental <br /> maintenance, operation, and inspections assistance, due to such factor as contract rents <br /> described in 24 CFR 882 . 806( b) (4) and being lower than FMRs and participants are <br /> 882 . 808 ( n ) must be met. being able to pay a portion of the rent, <br /> ( 5 ) Governing regulations . Except where recipients may use the remaining funds for the <br /> there is a conflict with any requirement under costs of administering the housing assistance, <br /> this part or where specifically provided, the SRO as described in paragraph ( e) of this section, for <br /> component will be governed by the regulations damage to property, as described in paragraph <br /> set forth in 24 CFR part 882 , subpart H . ( f) of this section , for covering the costs of rent <br /> increases, or for serving a great number of <br /> § 582. 105 Rental assistance amounts and participants . <br /> payments. (d ) Vacancies. ( 1 ) If a unit assisted under <br /> (a ) Eligible activity . S + C grants may be this part is vacated before the expiration of the <br /> used for providing rental assistance for housing occupancy agreement described in § 582 . 315 of <br /> occupied by participants in the program and this part, the assistance for the unit may <br /> administrative costs as provided for in continue for a maximum of 30 days from the <br /> paragraph (e) of this section, except that the end of the month in which the unit was vacated, <br /> housing may not be currently receiving Federal unless occupied by another eligible person . No <br /> funding for rental assistance or operating costs additional assistance <br /> under other HUD programs . Recipients may <br /> design a housing <br /> www , hud. gov espanol . hud. gov page R <br />
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