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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> Applicant: Indian River County Board of Commissioners JX BARTON , CLERK <br /> Project : FL-509 - Ren - New Chronics 32960 <br /> FL0119C41­1090802 <br /> title , except ities under <br /> this that HUDwill peurfo m aneart are nvironnm environmental review in accordancte with part 50 of this title <br /> prior to its approval of any conditionally selected applications from PHAs for Fiscal Year 2000 <br /> and prior years for other than the SRO component . For activities under a grant to a PHA that <br /> generally would be subject to review under part 58 , HUD may make a finding in accordance with <br /> Sec . 58 . 11 (d ) and may itself perform the environmental review under the provisions of part 50 of <br /> this title if the recipient PHA objects in writing to the responsible entity's performing the review <br /> under part 58 . Irrespective of whether the responsible entity in accord with part 58 (or HUD in <br /> accord with part 50 ) performs the environmental review , the recipient shall supply all available , <br /> relevant information necessary for the responsible entity (or HUD , if applicable ) to perform for <br /> each property any environmental review required by this part. The recipient also shall carry out <br /> mitigating measures required by the responsible entity (or HUD , if applicable ) or select alternate <br /> eligible property . HUD may eliminate from consideration any application that would require an <br /> Environmental Impact Statement ( EIS ) . <br /> ( b ) The recipient, its project partners and their contractors may not acquire , rehabilitate , <br /> convert, lease , repair, dispose of, demolish , or construct property for a project under this part, or <br /> commit or expend HUD or local funds for such eligible activities under this part , until the <br /> responsible entity (as defined in Sec . 58 . 2 of this title ) has completed the environmental review <br /> procedures required by part 58 and the environmental certification and RROF have been <br /> approved or HUD has performed an environmental review under part 50 and the recipient has <br /> received HUD approval of the property . HUD will not release grant funds if the recipient or any <br /> other party commits grant funds ( i . e . , incurs any costs or expenditures to be paid or reimbursed <br /> with such funds ) before the recipient submits and HUD approves its RROF (where such <br /> submission is required ) . <br /> [68 FR 56130 , Sept . 29 , 2003] <br /> Subpart D -Program Requirements <br /> Sec . 582 . 300 General operation . <br /> (a ) Participation of homeless individuals . ( 1 ) Each recipient must provide for the consultation <br /> and participation of not less than one homeless individual or formerly homeless individual on the <br /> board of directors or other equivalent policy-making entity of the recipient , to the extent that the <br /> entity considers and makes policies and decisions regarding any housing assisted under this <br /> part or services for the participants . This requirement is waived if the applicant is unable to meet <br /> the requirement and presents a plan , which HUD approves , to otherwise consult with homeless <br /> or formerly homeless individuals in considering and making such policies and decisions . <br /> Participation by such an individual who also is a participant under the program does not <br /> constitute a conflict of interest under Sec . 582 . 340 ( b ) of this part . <br /> (2 ) To the maximum extent practicable , each recipient must involve homeless individuals and <br /> families , through employment , volunteer services , or otherwise , in constructing or rehabilitating <br /> housing assisted under this part and in providing supportive services required under Sec . <br /> 582 . 215 of this part . <br /> ( b ) Ongoing assessment of housing and supportive services . Each recipient of assistance <br /> must conduct an ongoing assessment of the housing assistance and supportive services <br /> required by the participants , and make adjustments as appropriate . <br /> (c ) Adequate supportive services . Each recipient must assure that adequate supportive <br /> services are available to participants in the program . <br /> (d ) Records and reports . ( 1 ) Each recipient must keep any records and , within the timeframe <br /> required , make any reports ( including those pertaining to race , ethnicity , gender, and disability <br /> status data ) that HUD may require . <br /> Consolidated Grant Agreement Page 14 03/08/2010 <br />