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A TRUE COPY <br /> Applicant : Indian River County Board of Commissioners CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> Project : FL-509 - Ren - New Chronics J . K . BARTON * CLERK 32960 <br /> FL0119C4HO90802 <br /> (2) Each recipient must keep on file , and make available to the public on request, a <br /> description of the procedures used to select sponsors under the SRA <br /> under the SRO , SRA , and PRA components . component and buildings <br /> ( 3 ) Each recipient must develop , and make available to the public upon request , its <br /> procedures for managing the rental housing assistance funds provided by HUD . At a minimum , <br /> such procedures must describe how units will be identified and selected ; how the responsibility <br /> for inspections will be handled ; the process for deciding which unit a participant will occupy ; how <br /> participants will be placed in , or assisted in finding appropriate housing ; how rent calculations will <br /> be made and the amount of rental assistance payments determined ; and what safeguards will be <br /> used to prevent the misuse of funds . <br /> (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2506 -0118 ) <br /> [58 FR 13892 , Mar. 15 , 1993 , as amended at 61 FR 51171 , Sept. 30 , 1996] <br /> Sec , 582 . 305 Housing quality standards ; rent reasonableness . <br /> (a ) Housing quality standards . Housing assisted under this part ble <br /> must meet the applicable <br /> housing quality standards ( HQS ) under Sec . 982 . 401 of this titmust <br /> that Sec . pplica le of <br /> this title does not apply and instead part 35 , subparts A , B , K and R of this title apply--and , for <br /> SRO under Sec . 882 . 803 ( b ) of this title . Before any assistance will be provided on behalf of a <br /> participant, the recipient, or another entity acting on behalf of the recipient (other than the owner <br /> of the housing ) , must physically inspect each unit to assure that the unit meets the HQS . <br /> Assistance will not be provided for units that fail to meet the HQS , unless the owner corrects any <br /> deficiencies within 30 days from the date of the lease agreement and the recipient verifies that <br /> all deficiencies have been corrected . Recipients must also inspect all units at least annually <br /> during the grant period to ensure that the units continue to meet the HQS . <br /> ( b ) Rent reasonableness . HUD will only provide assistance for a unit for which the rent is <br /> reasonable . For TRA , PRA , and SRA, it is the responsibility of the recipient to determine <br /> whether the rent charged for the unit receiving rental assistance is reasonable in relation to rents <br /> being charged for comparable unassisted units , taking into account the location , size , type , <br /> quality , amenities , facilities , and management and maintenance of each unit , as well as not in <br /> excess of rents currently being charged by the same owner for comparable unassisted units . <br /> For SRO , rents are calculated in accordance with 24 CFR 882 . 805 ( 8 ) . <br /> [58 FR 13892 , Mar. 15 , 1993 , as amended at 61 FR 51171 , Sept. 30 , 1996 ; 64 FR 50226 , Sept . <br /> 15 , 1999] <br /> Sec . 582 . 310 Resident rent. <br /> (a ) Amount of rent . Each participant must pay rent in accordance with section 3 (a ) ( 1 ) of the <br /> U . S . Housing Act of 1937 (42 U . S . C . 1437a (a ) ( 1 ) ) , except that in determining the rent of a <br /> person occupying an intermediate care facility assisted under title XIX of the Social Security Act , <br /> the gross income of this person is the same as if the person were being assisted under title XVI <br /> of the Social Security Act. <br /> ( b ) Calculating income . ( 1 ) Income of participants must be calculated in accordance with 24 <br /> CFR 5 . 609 and 24 CFR 5 . 611 (a ) . <br /> (2 ) Recipients must examine a participant's income initially , and at least annually thereafter, <br /> to determine the amount of rent payable by the participant . Adjustments to a participant's rental <br /> payment must be made as necessary . <br /> Consolidated Grant Agreement Page 15 03/08/2010 <br />