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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> Applicant: Indian River County Board of Commissioners J . K . BARTON , CLERIC 32960 <br /> Project : FL-509 - Ren - New Chronics FL0119C41-1090802 <br /> (3) As a condition of participation in the program , each participant must agree to supply the <br /> information or documentation necessary to verify the participant's income . Participants must <br /> provide the recipient information at any time regarding changes in income or other <br /> circumstances that may result in changes to a participant's rental payment . <br /> (66 FR 6225 , Jan . 19 , 2001 ] <br /> Sec . 582 . 315 Occupancy agreements . <br /> ( a ) Initial occupancy agreement . Participants must enter into an occupancy agreement for a <br /> term of at least one month . The occupancy agreement must be automatically renewable upon <br /> expiration , except on prior notice by either parry . <br /> ( b ) Terms of agreement . In addition to standard lease provisions , the occupancy agreement <br /> may also include a provision requiring the participant to take part in the supportive services <br /> provided through the program as a condition of continued occupancy . <br /> Sec . 582 . 320 Termination of assistance to participants . <br /> ( a ) Termination of assistance . The recipient may terminate assistance to a participant who <br /> violates program requirements or conditions of occupancy . Recipients must exercise judgment <br /> and examine all extenuating circumstances in determining when violations are serious enough to <br /> warrant termination , so that a participant' s assistance is terminated only in the most severe <br /> cases . Recipients are not prohibited from resuming assistance to a participant whose <br /> assistance has been terminated . <br /> ( b ) Due process . In terminating assistance to a participant , the recipient must provide a <br /> formal process that recognizes the rights of individuals receiving assistance to due process of <br /> law . This process , at a minimum , must consist of: <br /> ( 1 ) Written notice to the participant containing a clear statement of the reasons for <br /> termination ; <br /> (2 ) A review of the decision , in which the participant is given the opportunity to present written <br /> or oral objections before a person other than the person (or a subordinate of that person ) who <br /> made or approved the termination decision ; and <br /> ( 3 ) Prompt written notice of the final decision to the participant . <br /> Sec . 582 . 325 Outreach activities . <br /> Recipients must use their best efforts to ensure that eligible hard -to-reach persons are served <br /> by S + C . Recipients are expected to make sustained efforts to engage eligible persons so that <br /> they may be brought into the program . Outreach should be primarily directed toward eligible <br /> persons who have a nighttime residence that is an emergency shelter or a public or private place <br /> not designed for , or ordinarily used as , a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings <br /> ( e . g . , persons living in cars , streets , and parks ) . Outreach activities are considered to be a <br /> supportive service , and the value of such activities that occur after the execution of the grant <br /> agreement may be included in meeting the matching requirement . <br /> Consolidated Grant Agreement Page 16 03/08/2010 <br />