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f <br />On a Motion made by Commissioner Bogosian, seconded by, <br />Commissioner Massey, the request of,the Moorings Development <br />' i <br />Company for advertisement for public hearing for a zoning change <br />from RlA to R2W on August 19 was unanimously approved. <br />On a Motion made by Commissioner Massey, seconded by <br />Commissioner McCullers, the request.of L. B. Vocelle on behalf <br />of Bertram Bellay for a quit claim deed to be signed by the <br />Chairman of the Board and attested by the Clerk of the Circuit <br />Court to rectify an error in the description of the abandonment <br />of Bell Aycres, Unit #1 in 1967 was'unanimously approved.. <br />Attorney Kenneth Sharp appeared on behalf of and with. -John Pierson' <br />of Pierson Enterprises requesting a time extension for removing <br />the junked cars on.his premises. A Motion was made by Commissioner <br />McCullers that the Board go with the decision of the Judge in the <br />suit which is in process. This Motion died,for lack of second. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner Massey, seconded by Commissioner 4 <br />Bogosian that John Pierson is given a'six month extension of time <br />to remove the junked cars from his property and shall submit a <br />progress report to the Board in sixty days. Commissioner Loy <br />voted for the Motion and the Motion was carried with Commissioner <br />McCullers voting against it. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner Loy, seconded by Commissioner <br />Massey and unanimously carried that the Board authorizes the purchase <br />of one aerial ownership map for the City -County Planning Office and <br />that the order for additional maps at the written request•of the, <br />County Officiak :mays be submitted within thirty days at a cost <br />of $350.00 each. <br />The Board then adjourned at 12:07 P. M. and reconvened at <br />1:20 o'clock P. M. <br />1 <br />JUL w 1970 �� <br />