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IMPORTANT ! - PLEASE REAL) CAREFULLY BEFORE MAKING PROPOSAL <br /> GENERAL PROVISIONS <br /> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS OF AMENDMENTS <br /> _ ,urR <br /> Contractors shall acknowledge receipt of any amendment to the solicitation by identifying the <br /> k ), ,%,amendment number in the space provided for this purpose on the proposal form, or by returning a copy <br /> of the issued amendment with the submitted proposal . The acknowledgement must be received by <br /> Indian River County by the time and at the place specified for the receipt of proposals . Failure <br /> to <br /> acknowledge an issued amendment may result in proposal rejection and disqualification. <br /> ADDITIONAL INFORMATION <br /> Questions concerning the contract or technical portions of the proposal document must be submitted in <br /> writing to Indian River County Purchasing Division, 1800 27thStreet, Building B , Vero Beach, FL <br /> 32960 , Email : purchasing@iregov . com . Contractors are cautioned that any statements made by <br /> individuals , or employees of Indian River County, that materially change any portion of the proposal <br /> document shall not be relied upon unless subsequently ratified by a formal written amendment to the <br /> proposal document . No contractual or technical questions will be accepted after ten ( 10) days prior to <br /> the date set for proposal opening . <br /> PROPOSAL ENVELOPES <br /> Envelopes containing proposals must be sealed and marked on the outside with the proposers name and <br /> address, the Request for Proposal number, proposal name, and date of opening of proposals . Failure to <br /> do so may cause proposal not to be considered. Express mail envelopes containing a sealed proposal <br /> shall also be sealed and marked on the outside with the same information specified above. <br /> PROPOSAL RECEIPT AND OPENING <br /> Indian River County will receive sealed proposals until date and time indicated on proposal cover. <br /> Proposals must be delivered, by hand or mail, to the Indian River County Purchasing Division, located <br /> at 1800 27th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960 , where they will be opened at the stated time, READING <br /> ONLY THE NAMES OF THE SUBMITTING CONTRACTORS . Proposals must be time stamped in <br /> the Purchasing Division before or on the hour and date indicated on the cover sheet for the proposal <br /> opening . Proposals received after the date and time of the proposal opening will be received , <br /> date <br /> stamped, and returned to the contractor unopened . It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that <br /> proposals arrive at the designated opening place on time . Late or non-delivery due to mail or express <br /> delivery company failure will not be considered adequate reason for consideration of late proposals . <br /> FAXED PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED , AND SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR <br /> EVALUATION OR AWARD . Notes may be taken at the public reading of the proposal(s) at the <br /> specified time and date of the opening or a personal inspection may be made of the proposal(s) after <br /> award has been made and documents are placed in central and public files, or 10 days after the proposal <br /> due date if an award has not been made at the time . <br /> Page 2 of 22 <br />