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o3f19/t3 <br />INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT g � � <br />CR -510 AND US HIGHWAY 1 � d /3 "i��3 <br />AMENDMENT NO. S TO THE PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEERING <br />GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING &LAND SURVEYING SERVICES AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN McMAHON ASSOCIATES, INC. &INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />This is an amendment to the existing Professional Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Land <br />Surveying Services Agreement (AGREEMENT) dated May 17, 2005, between McMahon Associates, Inc. <br />(ENGINEER) and Indian River County (COUNTY). This amendment addresses changes in "Section I —Project <br />Limits and Description", "Section III —Scope of Services", "Section IV —Time for Completion," and "Section V — <br />Compensation," of this AGREEMENT. <br />KSECTION I -PROJECT LIMITS AND DESCRIPTION" is being modified to incorporate the following: <br />Consultant services are required for the preparation of supplemental design surveys, roadway design plans <br />with the design of improvements within revised contract limits of the intersection of 5R-5/US-1 and CR -510 <br />(Wabasso Road), in Indian River County, Florida, as last amended on August 12, 2008. The supplemental roadway <br />improvements consist of the following: <br />"SECTION III —SCOPE OF SERVICES" is being modified to incorporate the following: <br />The ENGINEER agrees to perform professional design and related services in connection with the project, <br />as required and set forth in the following: <br />B. Design Surveys <br />The ENGINEER shall .provide supplemental design survey services necessary to support and <br />facilitate contemplated design and permitting activities associated with this supplemental portion <br />of the project. <br />1. Additional survey is also required to support the relocated Pond 7, on the Graves Brothers <br />property. Horizontal and vertical control will be extended to acquire the necessary <br />topography and elevation data needed to support the redesign and relocation of this pond. <br />The effordfee for the above tasks will be contained .under the Lump Sum Components of the Design <br />Survey, in "Section V —Compensation." <br />