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Developer may approve change orders up to a combined amount equal to the <br /> rehab/construction contingency budget line item . Developer is responsible for all <br /> construction costs exceeding the contingency budget amount, unless Grantee at its sole <br /> discretion approves a revised construction budget and Project Budget and reviews and <br /> approves a change order for additional scope of work and costs in excess of the total <br /> construction budget . <br /> J . Final Inspection and Final Draw <br /> Upon completion of rehab activities, all applicable paperwork, and approval of all <br /> required inspections by County; Developer will submit a final draw request as specified <br /> in Section VII . H . above . i he final draw will include the payment of any remaining eligible <br /> construction costs, construction retainage, applicable soft costs and the portion of the <br /> developer fee payable upon completion of construction . <br /> VIII , Funding of Construction Work and Soft Costs <br /> NPS funds are available for funding the construction work and soft costs that are indicated in <br /> the Project Budget, up to the NSP3 funding amounts stated in the Project Budget . Developer is <br /> responsible for obtaining other funding indicated in the Project Budget and any additional <br /> funding required in the event that costs exceed the total amount of the " Project Budget . <br /> Developer will follow these procedures with draws of NSP3 funds : <br /> A . Fees and Interest Payments <br /> Fees and interest payments for lines of credit and construction loans are not eligible <br /> costs for reimbursement by Grantee with NSP3 funds and will not be counted toward <br /> the total cost basis of the redevelopment of the property . Grantee ' s intent is to pay for <br /> these costs indirectly through payment of the developer fee . <br /> Be Construction Costs <br /> Construction costs will be funded by Grantee as follows . <br /> i <br /> 1 . If all construction work is carried out by a general contractor or multiple <br /> contractors, contractor ( s ) will prepare a draw request or invoice which indicates a 10% <br /> retainage . The aggregate retainage amount for a contractor will be included in <br /> contractor' s final draw request or invoice , which will be presented to Grantee after final <br /> completion of the project ; <br /> 2 . If Developer is also acting as general contractor, Developer will follow any <br /> special requirements in the NSP3 Agreement for charging general contractor fees and <br /> non - subcontracted construction costs, as well as processing draws . In addition , there <br /> will be a 10% retainage for all general contractor and subcontractor costs for each draw, <br /> including a retainage on any general contractor fee . The aggregate retainage amount for <br /> the general contractor and subcontractors will be included in contractor' s final draw <br /> 12 <br />