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The Attorney was requested to write to the Insurance <br />Commissioner and inform him the Board is ready to have a <br />public hearing regarding Windstorm Insurance. <br />A letter from the State of Florida, Department of <br />Health and Rehabilitative Services in connection with the <br />parking lot at their new offices was referred to the Administrator. <br />On Motion of Commissioner Massey, second of Commissioner <br />McCullers, the Board unanimously voted that Donald Adams, City- <br />County Building Director be authorized to purchase a vehicle <br />, <br />from Arnold Ford at a c $st f 3 095.54 and a radio from Motorola <br />o o <br />at a cost of $964.00. The bid from Arnold Ford overriding a <br />bid from Fred Coyne Chevrolet Company is the amount of $3,093.16 <br />because the Ford car could be delivered in forty days and the <br />Chevrolet car would be delivered"as soon as possible after <br />production". The bid from Motorola overriding the other bidders <br />because the first bidder RCA -Two Way Radio at $565.00 is not <br />considered to be of the same quality. The second bid for the <br />radio from General Electric, admittedly, did not meet specifications. <br />The Administrator reported that the bids let on <br />Indian River Drive were refused by the Department of Transportation <br />because they were excessive; that the job would be rebid. <br />On Motion of Commissione r McCullers, second of Commissioner <br />Mausey, the Board unanimously approved purchase by the <br />Administrator of 4 dragline mats at a cost of $480.00. <br />On Motion of Commissioner Loy, second of Commissioner <br />McCullers, the Board unanimously approved permission for Ernestine <br />Park to attend Governmental Secretary Conference to be held May <br />5 thru 8 at Fort Lauderdale. <br />On Motion of Commissioner D.ritenbas, second of Commissioner <br />Loy, the Board unanimously requested that the Clerk release <br />$58,652.03 in Escrow to the Moorings Development Corporation <br />provided that the Administrator determines that they have performed <br />` A ,..p <br />that amount of work ���' <br />MAR 1 o 1971 <br />